Pre course exam questions


New Member
Hi guys, I was wondering if somebody could clarify something for me...

Ahead of my upcoming course I have had to answer a set of questions and I think the answer to one of them is wrong.

The question is this: 1562766402770.jpeg

For “playing in a dangerous manner” I wrote indirect free-kick, which was marked wrong.

I’ve looked again at the LOTG and it definitely says playing in a dangerous manner is an indirect free-kick.

Am I mistaken? Have I missed something in the wording of the question?

A&H International
Generally, if mentioned on its own, PIADM is IFK, if combined with contact then it becomes DFK.

Poor quiz question wording. Just like the one for impeding, it should have identified if contact is made or not. As it stands, both answers can be correct and you shouldn't lose marks for choosing either.
Generally, if mentioned on its own, PIADM is IFK, if combined with contact then it becomes DFK.

Poor quiz question wording. Just like the one for impeding, it should have identified if contact is made or not. As it stands, both answers can be correct and you shouldn't lose marks for choosing either.

I disagree. The only correct answer is IFK. PIADM doesn't become PIAD-DFK if there is contact--it becomes a different foul, typically kicking. So as long as the only question is PIADM, the only proper answer is IFK. It isn't poorly worded, the answer key is simply wrong.
I disagree. The only correct answer is IFK. PIADM doesn't become PIAD-DFK if there is contact--it becomes a different foul, typically kicking. So as long as the only question is PIADM, the only proper answer is IFK. It isn't poorly worded, the answer key is simply wrong.

That was my thinking. As soon as contact is made, it would become a different offence.

I wanted to query it with my RDO, but didn’t want to get shot down. I read it the LOTG as 100% IDFK
I disagree. The only correct answer is IFK. PIADM doesn't become PIAD-DFK if there is contact--it becomes a different foul, typically kicking. So as long as the only question is PIADM, the only proper answer is IFK. It isn't poorly worded, the answer key is simply wrong.

That was my thinking. As soon as contact is made, it would become a different offence.

I wanted to query it with my RDO, but didn’t want to get shot down. I read it the LOTG as 100% IDFK
I disagree. The only correct answer is IFK. PIADM doesn't become PIAD-DFK if there is contact--it becomes a different foul, typically kicking. So as long as the only question is PIADM, the only proper answer is IFK. It isn't poorly worded, the answer key is simply wrong.
The two are not mutually exclusive. PIADM with physical contact becoming an offence punishable with a DFK has been removed from LOTG since 15/16 however no information to the contrary been added.

Quoting your own timely response to another quiz question :) contact or no contact is
missing data that is important to choose between possible answers,

Had one of the options been "plays in a dangerous manner and makes physical contact" Which answer would you choose?
The two are not mutually exclusive. PIADM with physical contact becoming an offence punishable with a DFK has been removed from LOTG since 15/16 however no information to the contrary been added.
I think you're mischaracterizing the old language. The language (in the guidance, rather than the laws) said:

Playing in a dangerous manner involves no physical contact between the players. If there is physical contact, the action becomes an offence punishable with a direct free kick or penalty kick. In the case of physical contact, the referee should carefully consider the high probability that misconduct has also been committed.​

The first sentence makes clear that if there is contact, the offense is not PIADM, and the second says that it "becomes" a DFK offense. Those offenses punishable with a DFK or PK were set out in law 12--typically what the PIADM "became" was careless (or, perhaps, reckless) kicking.

Quoting your own timely response to another quiz question :) contact or no contact is

Had one of the options been "plays in a dangerous manner and makes physical contact" Which answer would you choose?

Apples and oranges. These were all clear questions naming a specific offense. The only possible consequence for the offense of PIADM is an IFK. The OP got the question right and the answer key was wrong.