Pre Season Training

David Cryer

New Member
Level 5 Referee
Can anybody recommend a website with good but basic pre-season fitness programme that I can do in my local gym?

My fitness currently needs work so I just want to start with something simple. I am currently doing the couch to 5K to give me a good base but need something to carry on with when that finishes.
A&H International
Welcome to the forum mate.

The couch to 5k is a good start! If you have access to your local gym it is worth speaking to one of the instructors there and asking them to put together a personalised plan for you - if it is a council run gym this is usually free. Mix it up with rowing machine, cross trainer and cycle through to weight exercises. Don't neglect basic strength exercises!

With the running, try and find a running partner. Will make your running easier than running alone!
UEFA have an excellent training programme that would work in most gyms if you supplement that with visits to a local park on regular occasions.