Premier league, back with a bang!


Forum VAR
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Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Arsenal v Newcastle.
Song was a very lucky boy, I get a feeling he'll be hauled before the FA for the stamp on Joey Barton.

Gervinho, correct decision to walk him, you can't slap people, even if it is that vile waste of space Barton. What annoyed me most was Steven Taylor insinuating he'd elbowed him, and the fact that Barton went down like a sack of spuds.

How Barton wasn't also sent off is beyond me! Giving the 4th official a mouthful then getting involved with Gervinho when he had no need to. Oh and Gervinho didn't dive, went down rather easily though

Anyone else have anything in this?

(is it obvious I'm an Arsenal fan)
A&H International
Lol its not your fault your an arsenal fan .. :D

For me Richardson is the most luckiest boy not to be walked for his trip on Suarez in the box
I can see why Dowd hasn't walked Richardson mind, Suarez is going away slightly but I still think he'd have slotted it, I'd be interested to see what the assessment said from that game!

Barton was a lucky boy too, can't excuse how he manhandled Gervinho.. If that happened on a Saturday afternoon at your game, you'd be walking the fellow before he'd even had chance to be slapped!

On another note, Simon Bennett with his first Prem line - gives a penalty at Wigan, good decision on the face of it, but maybe a little bit soft, but fair play to SA for going with him and backing the decision!
Joey Barton reminds me so much of Roy Keane. Hes still not a very good role model especially for the kids at grassroots level because then we have to go out and deal with the crap they have picked up off players like him !
What's the betting in my friendly this morning, someone will try a 'Barton grab' and then whatever action I take will be referred to what happened yesterday, or i'll get blamed for 'ruining the game'..
Personnaly, I felt that all the 'debatable' decisions that were mate today were pretty much spot on.

As Steve Bruce said, I think there was a chance that Sunderland may have gotten to the ball to close down Suarez.
Yes Joey Barton was lucky, but when you consider what the official saw, then a yellow card is acceptable, I would say.
Gervinho? Don't slap players! I don't think there was enough in it for a PK, but he did not 'dive'.
Obviously, Song is another thing, as there was no decision! But yes, had the officials saw that, then obviously he would be off.

On another note, I do think that Arsene is starting to lose it, and I doubt that he will be there next season... :rolleyes: