Probably the funniest thing to happen during a Sunday league match?

John White

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Just thought I'd share a funny little incident I had during my match today.

In the Welsh league, I had a derby between 2 teams who have the same home pitch. One team (the 'away' team) only had 9 players, and the 'home' team had 11.

I gave a free kick to the home team for a handball, and when they took it it went straight to their striker who was clearly in an offside position. I then blew and signaled for the offside, when I hear some man shout from the sideline:

You can't be offisde from a free kick referee! That's bloody basics that is, get a grip ref you're having a shocker!

I turn to look at him and he is going mental, throwing his arms all over the place and screaming at me like a man possessed, and I can't help but laugh so I say to him 'just calm down mate, you can be offside from a free kick' then turn to restart the game.

He continues to shout abuse at me, and when I turn round again he is being restrained by the manager who calms him down, but then he kicks a ball on the sideline out of the field and into the sea, frightening some birds who then squawk incredibly loudly and fly away, but then they turn around and fly over our pitch - and one of them drops a bomb on the man who kicked the ball!

All the players were wetting themselves laughing, as was I, so I had to stop the game.

It's what makes refereeing Sunday league football worthwhile!!!
A&H International
What makes refereeing on a Sunday worthwhile?

When you manage to turn up and you're not hungover that sometimes helps.

Only joking.

But needless to say I don't do Sunday games anymore :)
It was comedy gold!

Yeah prefer reffing on a saturday, the football's loads better - and they're generally not still smashed from the night before :p
Ryan could not agree with you more how much karma was on that match I do not know he got abit of his own punishment from the seagals and he knows next time if his going to make a fool of himself not to kick a ball into sea