The Ref Stop



New Member
Level 7 Referee
I am 16 so have just turned to level 7. I was wondering what the best way to get promoted quickly is, tricks of the trade or tips to get to the top.
The Ref Stop
You need to referee 20 OA games before the next promotion scheme starts (April 1st I think) to be eligible. I would advise against rushing things too much because a) you have time on your side and b) honestly, it takes time to learn the ropes
You need to referee 20 OA games before the next promotion scheme starts (April 1st I think) to be eligible. I would advise against rushing things too much because a) you have time on your side and b) honestly, it takes time to learn the ropes

Promotion season now runs from 1st July to 30th April to bring it in line with the actual playing season, although this is a transition season so it runs from 1st March 2019 to 30th April 2020.

Personally I would say go for it. You might not get promoted straight away, but you will get observed and get what might be valuable tips. It's easier to fix a problem if it is spotted early than if you have that problem for years as it then becomes habitual.
Excellent thank you, I was refereeing with someone and they said that you can skip promotions if you get referred. How does that work?
Promotion season now runs from 1st July to 30th April to bring it in line with the actual playing season, although this is a transition season so it runs from 1st March 2019 to 30th April 2020.

Personally I would say go for it. You might not get promoted straight away, but you will get observed and get what might be valuable tips. It's easier to fix a problem if it is spotted early than if you have that problem for years as it then becomes habitual.
OK, that just about makes 20 OA games between now and then feasible
Excellent thank you, I was refereeing with someone and they said that you can skip promotions if you get referred. How does that work?

No, you have to go through the levels. The only exception is that some counties offer what is known as accelerated promotion, where it is possible to go from 7-6 and 6-5 in the same marking season. It isn't easy though, you have to referee 20 games between 1st March and 30th September and another 20 between 1st October and 28th February (those dates will change with the change of marking season but it hasn't been announced what to yet). When you consider that some leagues are finished by April and don't start up again until the 2nd week in September, that gives you 11 to 12 playing weekends to referee 20 games. It is doable, but you have to be refereeing Saturday and Sunday and ideally midweeks as well, and hope that there are no postponements.
I am 16 so have just turned to level 7. I was wondering what the best way to get promoted quickly is, tricks of the trade or tips to get to the top.
Best thing I did was i spent a full season being an assistant Referee for an open age league. This prepared me for starting promotion at 18. It’s a big leap from youth to Open age. Spending a full season being an assistant and learning from experienced referees was the best thing I did.
Being young and keen is fantastic, however there are some skills a referee needs that only experience can give you - man management being the main one. Many young referees have been pushed up the ladder far too quickly and they are lost to the game because the quit when they find themselves out of their depth. Do you have a mentor and, if so, what do they say?

Personally I would say take at least one year reffing at level 7, with lots of games as AR at a higher level and then look at promotion.

Technically it is possible to go from 7-4 in one season but it should only be done in exceptional circumstances. I went from 6-4 and found the step up extremely challenging and that was with many years man management experience from the working environment and as a coach.
Being young and keen is fantastic, however there are some skills a referee needs that only experience can give you - man management being the main one. Many young referees have been pushed up the ladder far too quickly and they are lost to the game because the quit when they find themselves out of their depth. Do you have a mentor and, if so, what do they say?

Personally I would say take at least one year reffing at level 7, with lots of games as AR at a higher level and then look at promotion.

Technically it is possible to go from 7-4 in one season but it should only be done in exceptional circumstances. I went from 6-4 and found the step up extremely challenging and that was with many years man management experience from the working environment and as a coach.
Most Counties don't do the double-jump anymore. I'm don't see what it achieves
Refereeing is curiously difficult. After 170 games (and seemingly cruising along), I made a mistake a few weeks back that would've been a shocker in a Contributory Game. I don't think the learning process can be rushed
I went from level 7 to 5 over the space of 4 separate seasons.

A chap can't rush these things. ;) :)
Best thing I did was i spent a full season being an assistant Referee for an open age league. This prepared me for starting promotion at 18. It’s a big leap from youth to Open age. Spending a full season being an assistant and learning from experienced referees was the best thing I did.
Fantastic advice. There are no short cuts but this is the best way to learn well and fast.
this is my fourth season and I am now going from 7 to 6. Didn't feel I was experienced enough to do it before but probably could have done it. I now feel I am at a place where I feel I can do a good job at a better level, 2 observations done but I might not get my third one in as I might not get any more games this season
I'd of jumped straight to three but i didn't have the temperament, time, tongue or tremendous talent!
Not sure in which order those help to get to a six?? ;)
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