The Ref Stop



Well-Known Member
So far I've did a couple of 7 aside and a few 11 aside games from u10-15s but I'm really looking to progress within refereeing. I was looking at amateurs for my next league next season, basically any age game. Do you think it's too soon or do you have any advice?
The Ref Stop
Sorry to jump on your post but as a side question, do friendly matches count in your 20 matches during promotion?
It's slightly different here in Scotland, to go from 7-5 you need to have refereed for a year and go to training/meetings. No specific number of games until you want to go from 5-4.
Micky. In my opinion, yes mate, get cracking at Open Age. It will be the making (or breaking) of you. There are not enough refs doing OA and I think that those of us who do suffer as a consequence. You do have to put up with a bit more, but it is generally from the players (who you can directly interact with) rather than parents. All that abuse for an extra couple of quid has got to be worth it.:p
Your lucky mick we have to work hard for our promotions

Up here, since there are fewer referees they need to have a different system, although to get picked up and progress you have to be nominated by your local association manager although this is apparently changing. There is a fast track system wherein you can go from cat 7 - cat 1 in 5 years providing you're good enough.

From what I know, we only have boys club, open age, junior, highland league and scottish football leagues.
Sorry to jump on your post but as a side question, do friendly matches count in your 20 matches during promotion?
Matt, in my county they don't. I don't think they do anywhere. They all have to competitive fixtures - as far as I am aware anyway!
Thanks Charlie, I'm seeing my RDO tomorrow so i'll confirm it then. Will let you know what he says. I thought as long as the two teams were affiliated with the county FA it would be ok.
ah that's not good. Im having a lot of luck at the minute. a lot of games on, poor display of football but still getting through 90 minutes.
you guys had to pay for your promotion,
from yesterday in now on promotion from 7-6. Where i am the cfa don't make you pay for promotion.
We paid a tenner which we will get back if we complete the process (pass or fail). I suppose its to stop those who start and then drop out before the end.
i did a pre-season tournemant which instead of paying us as officials they ask if we would like the County to pay for our Promotion/membership fee.
Sorry to jump on your post but as a side question, do friendly matches count in your 20 matches during promotion?

Sussex F.A.
Level 7 to 6 Candidates:
Must officiate on 11-a-side Adult football – and Referee a minimum of fourteen (14) open age matches and a further six (6) 11-a-side matches, which can include Youth (U17 and U18 only) and Women’s matches during the Promotion Period which is from 1stMarch 2014 to 28th February 2015

Nothing to say that friendlies don't count