Pros on this site


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Just wondering if anyone knew of any professionals that use this site? I've seen countless posts from Level 3s from a few years ago and wondered if they've progressed up the ladder since back then and that made me wonder if any professional referees/ARs use this site...
A&H International
I hope there are some anonymous lurkers reading this who could contribute more - without feeding the trolls - and know that their contribution would be very gratefully received
That’s what I think, it isn’t like we get to hear interviews with professional refs so there isn’t very much information that we get from current referees at the top, at least not compared to players
I hope there are some anonymous lurkers reading this who could contribute more - without feeding the trolls - and know that their contribution would be very gratefully received

I do my best to keep them in check Santa but a few of the Almighty pop up with some classic law interpratations once in a while!!