Bradley Totney

New Member
Hi guys, just a quick one. Do you any of you (including me) use public transport or do not drive, if so, how does it affect you etc?

A&H International
When I qualified I was at uni and didn't have a car so jumped on the bus everywhere. If the bus routes and timetables work then it's simple enough, Sunday mornings were an issue though!

Don't know How I'd survive without my car now though mind
In West Wales? Not likely. Our bus services are like twice a day and once on Sunday for Church. :(

Yeah, car every day down here.

It's okay if you're in Swansea or Cardiff mind. Cardiff has excellent bus services, so you could probably do public transport there for games.
I’m based in the West Midlands, buses aren’t a problem, just find it embarrassing getting off a bus to get to a Supply League game...
I’m based in the West Midlands, buses aren’t a problem, just find it embarrassing getting off a bus to get to a Supply League game...

Don't be embarrassed - it's simply what you need to do to get there, and ultimately won't have a great affect on what you do when you're on the field. I also believe that in the case of referees in the London-area that public transport is the norm for travel to and from games.

If it does bother you however, is joint travel an option for you?

From February to July this year I was unable to drive for medical reasons, although I could still take on assistant referee appointments. All the referee secretaries were aware so I was largely paired with other people nearby with whom I could catch a lift.
Don't be embarrassed - it's simply what you need to do to get there, and ultimately won't have a great affect on what you do when you're on the field. I also believe that in the case of referees in the London-area that public transport is the norm for travel to and from games.

If it does bother you however, is joint travel an option for you?

From February to July this year I was unable to drive for medical reasons, although I could still take on assistant referee appointments. All the referee secretaries were aware so I was largely paired with other people nearby with whom I could catch a lift.
Wasn't there an autonomous driving button on the DB9..... 008 ?? :ninja:
Midland League and West Midlands league should be joint travel. Just let the appointments officer(s) know.
Mate I don’t drive and I’m at L4, not an embarrassment at all. That’s the least of your worries, the fact that you make the effort to be there on time even before everyone else is to your credit rather. I usually tell my assistant that I’m more than happy to share a ride and make sure they get the expenses if it’s reasonable and convenient. I find that a great ice breaker and a good way to start team bonding before the game
There are lots of referees, some at senior levels, who don't drive. As levels 4 and 3 I frequently had to pick up the referee or assistant from a station somewhere along the route.

It's even more the case for referees who live or more likely work in central London. They may well drive, and perhaps will do for weekend games, but often go straight from work on the train for night games. Certainly on the occasions as a L3 I got games in South London I always took the train / tube, as if I had tried to drive from North to South London, especially midweek, I would be a very angry referee by the time I got there and that wouldn't bode well for the players … :)