

Well-Known Member
I was told by a friend of mine who is refereeing at Blue Square Premiership level, he ran the line for the Play-Off Semi Final York v Luton a few years ago, he told me that although the 4th official can officiate anywhere, the referee and the linesmen can only officiate over 2 hours away from the place they're from.
I was discussing it with somebody and they're adamant it's wrong, and I can't find any proof of it online. The guy has no history of refereeing and it isn't the kind of thing he'd know if it was true, so I was just wondering if anybody could correct me? Or if it is true refer me to somewhere where it is stated.
A&H International
Hi Danny, welcome to the site.

This is a new one on me, if I'm honest. I've asked the question to someone in the know, will post the answer later
Ok thank you

I also forgot to mention, but you may have assumed. It's the Professional game where this is used. He used my local Championship side as an example. You may have assumed that though as you can't work in a League that is based in 1 city, or even county and apply this rule as most counties you can escape in 2 hours.
Have this question answered. On the football league, there's a 120 mile limit each way, except in extreme circumstances
The referee against Monday's Leeds v Burnley was from East Yorkshire. If you measure from Leeds to Hull, for example, that's only 60 miles. Is there any chance that he could have meant kilometres, that would fit as Hull is about 126 km away.
120 miles is the furthest they'll go generally.

On FL we have a 120 mile limit but they can send us further in extreme circumstances. We can also add clubs that are further but only claim 120 each way. We get a meal allowance based on traveling time. Hope that helps. Happy to clarify if need be.
I think you may have misunderstood my question, but at the same time answered it.

I was asking if there is a minimum limit to prevent biased decisions. I live in Leeds and the referee I was talking to was saying to me that he could be the 4th Official for a Leeds game but he couldn't run the line or be the referee, he said there was a minimum limit I think it was 2 hours away or something.
There was no mention of a minimum distance, just a maximum distance.
The referee I asked lives in Essex and was on the line at millwall. That's only 40 ish miles by my reckoning. Might just be a home town thing.
Danny, the only thing I know of about conflict with where you're from is that on the Fl, you have to 'declare an interest', i.e. Tell the suits who you support and that way you don't get appointed to their games on the line or in the middle.