Open Age Quick restart of a FK


New Member
I had a situation in a game where team A got a FK right of the edge of the penalty area of team B. A defender from B asked to restart the play with whistle while he was standing about 3 ft away from the pall. I told them that I or the attacking side will decide when to play the ball. So I was about to tell the kick taker from A that they are allowed to play on my whistle and set up the wall. Right before doing this a player from team A played the ball and A scored a goal.
After the game players from team B came to me to ask explanation and I told them that everything was correct when team A took the FK, because the defending side cannot ask for a FK to be played on my sign. Then they claimed that I was close to the ball and it seemed that I was about to set up the wall and that's why they conceded.
Were I correct in the situation? It took probably 5 seconds from a foul to a goal.
A&H International
Its down to you really, if you are happy to allow a quick free kick then that's fine.

For free kicks close to the area I tend to stand and block the quick free kick and then say on my whistle and move the wall back, and clearly make sure everyone knows its direct and that its on my whistle (by holding it in the air and pointing to it)
I have to say I do the same as Steve. Generally the defending team will thank you for it and if it happens the other way round later in the game both teams will know what you are going to do.
If a player is going to go quickly, I tend to blow anyway. However, takign the kick while I am talking to the opposition is a no-no. I'm not ready let alone the opposition!
We are told that there is absolutley nothing in Law that says we can stop a team from taking a quick free kick - if they so choose. We have neither the authority, or the right to do so. From the moment we stop play for a foul, the attacking team are well within their rights to take it quickly, as long as the ball is stationary and it is in the correct place.

If the attacking team 'ask for their yards' which can be a simple gesture to the defender standing too close, then we can take control, by making it obvious that play will restart on my whistle. So, hold the whistle up and say 'on my whistle' to the player taking it, count the yards holding the whistle up so everyone can see it. Set the wall and get into position.

If they choose to take a quick one, then 'Failure to respect' or 'Delaying the restart' don;t come into it, unless the defenders actively try and stop the kick. For example: Defender getting up, five yards in front of the kick, sticks a leg out and deflects the quickly taken free kick - YC. If however, he jumps out of the way of the ball, then nothing - play on.

Or, if a player intentionally steps in front of it to prevent a quick kick being taken, then 'Delaying the Restart' - YC.
One thing I saw quite a lot of last season was defenders standing almost over the ball to prevent a quick one. I had to call a few times to "give him his distance" to get defenders to move back before I intervened, but the job was done and a quick one prevented.
That happens more and more often as you get higher up in levels of play. Just yell at them to get back and they'll start to get the picture. I also almost always mandate a ceremonial when it's near the penalty area.
One thing I saw quite a lot of last season was defenders standing almost over the ball to prevent a quick one. I had to call a few times to "give him his distance" to get defenders to move back before I intervened, but the job was done and a quick one prevented.
Yup, that does happen a lot the higher up you get, with players stepping in front of the ball and 'helping the GK line up the wall'. The first one gets a shout from me "Give him his space please', the second gets a stern final warning with hand signals, and the third gets a card.