RDO CFA questioning me

Why hasn’t the RDO given him a ring? The RDO is supposed to be there to support the referee.
A&H International
If have been told I am being given a zero mark from a manager. I have a player who told me he is a ref and I shouldn't of booked his team mate for dissent and he was going to report me to my CFA. I have been told my decision to send off a 14 year old for throwing a ball into another players is wrong and the club will appeal. never heard from my RDO. If my RDO receives a report which is different to a misconduct report I would expect my RDO to be in contact. A lot of refs work or are reffing while the RDO's are working so I would expect an email and also it shows you are following a process and can have a record of what has been said. Tell the truth and you will be fine. Coaches will lie to make themselves look better, players cheat and lie all the time it's not personel it's that you are a ref. Heads up enjoy your Xmas break and enjoy your games in the new year( the ones which are not postponed!)
@Zimmyman it feels like you are making more out of this than you need to. At the end of the day you are going to get situations where things happen that are outside of your control.
For me, there are 2 reasons why relatively new referees quit, the first one is abuse, the second one is simply that once the stabilisers are off, all referees realise that being a referee is bloody hard and certainly at grassroots level can be a pretty lonely job. Many young referees come into the game because they think that refereeing is easy money, only to find that it really isn't!

If at the first sign of trouble or issues, you are considering giving up, maybe you need to consider your reasons for wanting to become a referee in the first place and see if those reasons are still valid and make your decision accordingly.
No not giving up at all !! I enjoy doing my role but what I am saying is I cannot get my head around potentially that every game one refs a tissue of lies report can go in the the CFA about anyone of us if clubs decide you have a wrong decision or sent off a player etc ! So we walk the tight rope every week !! By the way i said feel like giving up as we all do not that I am giveing up
No not giving up at all !! I enjoy doing my role but what I am saying is I cannot get my head around potentially that every game one refs a tissue of lies report can go in the the CFA about anyone of us if clubs decide you have a wrong decision or sent off a player etc ! So we walk the tight rope every week !! By the way i said feel like giving up as we all do not that I am giveing up
Reality 1 - 0 Expectation
No not giving up at all !! I enjoy doing my role but what I am saying is I cannot get my head around potentially that every game one refs a tissue of lies report can go in the the CFA about anyone of us if clubs decide you have a wrong decision or sent off a player etc ! So we walk the tight rope every week !! By the way i said feel like giving up as we all do not that I am giveing up

perspective also, am apx 3000 games down the line, and had 2 incidents worth my input.
@Zimmyman , surly you are not expecting your RDO to not respond to a report from a team official. Or to respond to it by out right dismissing it by saying they are lies (without getting your response).

There is due process and he is following that. I am not sure what you expect him to do.

Unless he has asked you "why have you done these things" (assuming guilt), I don't understand your frustration. From your posts it doesn't sound like your RDO is taking sides with the team official. As I said earlier he should take a neutral approach to this.
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I enjoy doing my role but what I am saying is I cannot get my head around potentially that every game one refs a tissue of lies report can go in the the CFA about anyone of us if clubs decide you have a wrong decision or sent off a player etc!
That's just a fact of life though, teams almost always get upset a when they think decisions have gone against them and although they often threaten to send a report in, they usually don't. However every now and again, one does. When they do so, the report has to be dealt with, which includes contacting the referee. I wouldn't get too put out about it (easy for me to say, of course).
If a club had made an official complaint I would have thought that this would be handled by your counties discipline department, rather than your RDO, but, I'm not an expert in these matters so defer to those with more experience.

This doesn't sound particularly bad to me, a club has made a complaint about you, and your RDO is following this up and asking you to provide some further info. He can't just ignore a report because you are a referee.

I once had a coach tell me that he would report me for not carrying out the substitution procedure correctly if I sent his clubs cautions in (the home team hadn't written numbers down but this isn't a law issue).

I just turned round looked him in the eyes and told him "I am putting the cautions in, and I will also be reporting you for attempting to blackmail a match official"

I did both, I didn't get called to a hearing so he didn't appeal, but I don't know what he got.
It's a pretty poor investigation if you don't ask the parties involved for their comments. In fact, being asked again gives you ample opportunity to compose your thoughts in a calm way, and after the event, giving you chance to think through a clear conscience mind and not through any anger that may have been there at the time...
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