Reading v Man Utd - WSL


RefChat Addict
Did anyone see this bit of 'footballer brain' nonsense and quick thinking by the referee in this game?

Free kick to Man Utd just outside PA. As Reading are lining up the wall, Man Utd player is standing right in front of GK. She remains there, its so 'odd' that referee sees fit to 'remind' her that she will be offside if she stays there. She nods and then runs to the wall and as she arrives NEXT to the wall, teammate takes free kick and ref blows as she wasn't 1m from the wall - free kick wasted!

TBF Commentator after initially calling it offside DID work out why FK was given, co - commentator totally baffled by both the player and the decision I think!

Apologies - that should have been Man Utd v Reading
A&H International