Recording penalties during a shootout


New Member
Level 7 Referee
First cup game on Saturday.
What method do u lads n lasses use to record the penalty takers during a shootout.
I'm thinking record the shirt number against a tick or cross.
A&H International
I'm thinking record the shirt number against a tick or cross.
Split back of notebook page into two, one column for Home and one for Away, then just take down numbers and outcome like you've said. Make sure you're following along with decisive kick ect.
Depending on the matchcards you buy, there is an area to record shirt number of the player and a tick to say the kick was successful. You used to be able to get great ones from A&H refereeing but theyre closed now, so give it a look online and then print it yourself.
I’ve always used two columns and write down the number as the player comes to take the kick* (and check to be sure he hasn’t already kicked. I circle a make and put a hash mark through a miss.

*Pet peeve: teams do NOT have to give the R the 5 kickers at the start of KFTM!!!!
No right and wrong answer, I just use a blank piece of paper and mark each player with a tick or a cross.

Arguably more important is finding a way of ensuring only the players who finished the game take a kick. If you have NARs you can ask them to help, if you are on your own you will really need help from the coaches and managers, perhaps asking them to keep players on the pitch and subs off it if the game is level at full time.
No right and wrong answer, I just use a blank piece of paper and mark each player with a tick or a cross.

Arguably more important is finding a way of ensuring only the players who finished the game take a kick. If you have NARs you can ask them to help, if you are on your own you will really need help from the coaches and managers, perhaps asking them to keep players on the pitch and subs off it if the game is level at full time.
Yes, is tricky. Now, when I do tournament matches alone when there might be KFTPM I have a quick word before the match with coaches - we need their help for e.g. an U9 shoot out