RefCoach.org - Creating the REFCOACH community

  • Thread starter Alessandro Arbizzani
  • Start date
A few months back, I decided to do more. A problem most grassroots referees have is they lack access to consistent and premium education. You see, when you reach the top levels of refereeing, you are provided with elite coaching and experienced coaches to help you bring your game up to be able to referee at a national and international level.

But the path to get there is not easy, in most cases if you are not lucky and fail to make the right connections, you end up struggling to get proper coaching week in week out. This is a significant problem as good quality coaching is the only real way to be able to improve. Because of this problem, I decided to find a way to bring elite level coaching to grassroots referees.

The first challenge to tackle was finding a way to bring free education to a vast number of people. In the beginning, I created a website where I could collate all the material I have collected during the years and use it as a central location for all referees to access, so I created www.refcoach.org.


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