The Ref Stop

Referee Fees

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Anyone have a link on what a OA Parks referee is able to levy for a game for this season..

One ref locally is asking for £35 a game and I thought that was a bit steep? I assume the official line is a fixed fee plus travelling but I've no issue with a general flat rate to save hassle but it should be fair to all teams.
The Ref Stop
In this area it'd generally £30 for a general Sat / Sun parks game, £35 for a County League middle and the Supply League is approx £27 plus reasonable travelling costs.

So I reckon he's pushing his luck a bit :)
My Sunday league, as are most around here, is £30 all-inclusive.
My Saturday league, which has a top division with supply status pays £30 + 30p/mile for the non-supply leagues and £40 all inclusive for the supply leagues with £20 all inclusive for the assistants. I do think that's weird though as financially the non-supply leagues are better.
£18 quid plus 32p a mile for my local Saturday league here
Wow. What do they pay the assistants in any league cup semi's and above?
County semi I did last season, 4 officials shared £60. League I assist on pays £28 for referee and £23 for assistants plus 38p a mile
Not sure to be honest.

If it's the standard 'half the refs fee' I'd be pretty irritated at receiving £9 for a match. I'm not in refereeing for the money, but I'd feel that was undervaluing my job massively. A local Sunday league used to pay £11 plus 30p per mile for assistants and I thought that was low.
One of my local Sunday leagues pay £35 and the other £40.

Midweek league is £30 and £25 for referees and assistants respectively.

Saturday's (supply league) is £32 for referees and £25 for assistants + 30p per mile.

Contributory leagues are the standard.
If it's the standard 'half the refs fee' I'd be pretty irritated at receiving £9 for a match. I'm not in refereeing for the money, but I'd feel that was undervaluing my job massively. A local Sunday league used to pay £11 plus 30p per mile for assistants and I thought that was low.
It is £9 + 32p a mile.
Local league is £19 + 25p a mile. On local cups it is half ref fee plus expenses for AR, nothing but love of the game and expenses on cup finals for all involved!

3 hours work plus driving time for that handsome purse. Certainly don't do this shizzle for the fancy refs fee!!
Dorset League is £25 all-in, Dorset Premier League (Step 7) is £35/£25 all-in for ref/AR respectively. Wessex League (steps 5 and 6) is £54/£38 all-in, and Western League Division One (Step 6) is £45/£35 all-in. Western Prem is Contrib, despite being Step 5. Not sure what the Bournemouth Sunday League fee is now, but it used to be £20 +30p a mile.
Wow, such a variation in numbers.

Down this way, both Saturday and Sunday county leagues (Saturday Prem is a Step 7a league) are £35 for middle and £27 for line
Suburban League (not in the step system any more) is £45 middle £35 lines
Midweek U18 leagues are £27 and £32 each for lines, not sure on fees for middles as not done any yet.

None of those pay travelling expenses they are "all-in" fees.
Have just entered a team for our county Veterans league. Reading through the bumph, ref's fees are £25 all in, 35 min halves on Sunday morning. (Ref only, No NARs)
Very much depends where you live it would seem. Most grass roots leagues in the London area are £30 to £40 all in fee for the referee. The fee for assistants is almost always higher than 50% of the referee fee. One league I know is £30/£25, so the assistant gets 83%, and another is £35/£23 so 66%.
York Saturday league is £24 + 25p/mile.

The league sets the fee and we do get complaints from clubs about the fees charged by some referees, which we investigate. If found to be too much, we ask the referee to repay the excess.
Just out of interest, do ref. secs get paid anything? Seems like a bit of a mammoth & thankless task to do "just for love".