Referee-Inactive - Brrrr!!!

The winter's chill is beginning to set in and this weekend's assessments were both conducted wearing my big padded jacket.

It wasn't too bad out at Otley as the sunshine came out at half time but it was a bitter wind blowing around Throstle Nest as I assessed the referee on the FA Women's Premier League game taking place there today.

The game was settled by a hat trick from the away team's centre forward who displayed some fantastic speed to outpace the home defence. Although the home team had equalised after her first goal, her second came within a few seconds of the equaliser and it was a long and busy afternoon for both defences.

The trainers of both teams were also kept busy particularly after a nasty clash of heads late in the game. One player was unable to staunch the bleeding and had to be replaced. The other lay motionless for a few seconds before being able to continue after receiving brief treatment.

With the reports written up, that's it until Saturday ... well apart from attending the Referee's Association meeting tomorrow and the Sunday League meeting on Tuesday. Tuesday will be interesting as the committee considers the first infringements of the Respect Code of Conduct by players in our league, since the code was adopted at the start of this season. As Respect Officer, focus will fall on my guidance to the committee ... pressure!!!
A&H International