Referee Inactive - Some brief cheer on the road to recovery

I'm not the best of patients. The routine of carefully timed taking of tablets/capsules to ensure they are taken on an empty stomach/full stomach/with food doesn't fit in with my often full days.

That isn't a problem for the next week as I'm officially on rest. For the first time in 25 years I have been declared unfit for work and will remain so until I have been reviewed at a clinic later this week. It also means that my plans for pre-Christmas drinks have been put on hold as they interfere with the antibiotics I'm taking (well until Friday at least).

Perhaps that's just as well as I have very little energy and a hangover would probably wipe me out. I can drive for short distances but after taking a trip to the County FA to check on the new referees course, I fell asleep in the chair for an hour while trying to watch The Football League Show I had on Sky+ from Saturday night.

The good news from the course was that 25 new referees successfully completed the course and will be taking the first steps to refereeing in the professional game, once the weather improves and the fields dry out. Now it's time for the school run, to drop off my "Not fit for work" note and to check in with my GP. I hate being ill.

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