Referee-Inactive - Training 4.23

Read the signs ...

With tomorrow's local Community Shield game and my second assessing commitment of the season on Tuesday, together with a two day family trip to Alton Towers on Friday/Saturday, I would only have the opportunity to train twice this week. One of those opportunities was this morning. Paul had hoped to join me but had a prior engagement at the Leeds Dog Trust Open Day where he got Bob from!

I should have have recognised all the warning signs and decided to go back to sleep. Firstly my wife said she was going to walk the dog on the field we use for training. Last time she did that while I was training, I strained my Achilles; sign #1. The heavens opened and we had a long and sustained downpour; sign #2. My wife decided to stay at home and I waited until the rain stopped before heading out. At the roadworks on the long hill stretching up towards the local town, I managed to stall my car and couldn't get it to restart; sign #3.

Eventually on arriving at the ground, I started my warm up lap and did this about 15 seconds faster than I usually do, skipped through my shuttles and thought about what exercise I could do, on my own, in windy and wet (it was drizzling by now) weather. I considered running diagonals but settled on running from the goal line to the opposite goal line , turning around and running back to the halfway line, before finishing by walking back to the start point and setting off again.

Previously in Training 4.20 I did 4 sets of 6 runs and in Training 4.15 I did 3 sets of 6 runs. This time I decided on 3 sets of 8 runs. My first run was 36 seconds and my second was 39 seconds with the 3rd at 41 seconds. I then put in 5 more runs of 39/40 seconds and took my rest to get my heart rate back down to around 65%.

I then set off on my second set of eight but after 25m I felt a spasm in my calf and pulled up short. I walked back to the start point, stretched it out, in case it was cramp from standing around and tried again. This time the spasm had moved up into my hamstring and I knew I was all done for the day. On the way home it moved into my buttock, so I'm guessing it was just a bad attack of cramp and hopefully not a muscle pull.

Either way I'm resting up until Wednesday. I've got my first assessment to write up from yesterday and my second on Tuesday. Yesterday's game involved what was probably one of the fastest goals of the season when the home team scored after 28 seconds. It didn't do them much good as they lost 5-1. One upside was yesterday was that I was joined at the game by Ted Ring who accompanied me to my first Supply League assessment 2 seasons ago and has provided advice when needed from time to time.

Calories 473, average heart rate 79%, time in hard intensity 32%

A&H International