Referee mic being recorded


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
With the latest news about CLATTENBURG in the press the last few days what are your views on the suggestion that all there conversations should be recorded. I heard it is an open mic - all 4 are. So all the officials here what is being said and what the reply is and it's all recorded. With the technology we have these days it could easily be stored onto a small memory card and downloaded within minutes. I totally support it. I would also live to have ALL referees have a SMALL camera they have in there top. That way everyone will see what the referee sees and it will also have sound as well. But I know that will NEVER happen.
A&H International
Firstly, not all mics are open. Ref and both AR's are but 4th man is touch to talk. He can hear everything but only when he presses button can he be heard. This is because the majority of 4th's work is off FOP, therefore doesn't concern ref and means he isn't distracted by pointless nonsense.

Recorded - no. It isn't and it shouldn't be. It's there to aid the referees through the game. When players respect is the same as that in rugby, then by all means record it and open it up for the public. Until then, not a chance.
I agree with the 4th official being a PTT one, but I still think they should be recorded. That way when allegations are made there is evidence to support it. I don't see the harm. If they have nothing to hide then what's the problem.
Because it's an in-game aid. Do you think teams should hear official's pre-match? No, of course they shouldn't.
i think i see what dave is saying, does not have to be the same as rugby where we hear what the refs are saying, but recorded so that if you send off a player for use of foul and abusive language and they appeal you are backed up with his exact words.

you need to be within earshot of the comments made to punish the player and with a mic recording what is said then you and i have evidence to back this up.

i think if this was made puplic the players would watch what they say and may even so some more respect.
Why can't it be recorded for FA use? Top level referees shouldn't have anything to hide. It would certainly stop players ranting at refs, and that would filter down to non-league soon enough so I'm all for it!
Due to the last eat incident it's now been decided that all mic referees will be recorded. To stop this incident happening again