Referee Retention - Open Letter

We ain't got a crystal ball, so who knows?
However, what happens on TV, also happens on a FOP near you or I, every weekend
But nothing will happen in the immediacy because there's no financial motivation to change anything at the top. Simple as that really.
Leagues, CFA's and campaigns are all utterly powerless
And Refereeing of these TV games is a massive factor. The Refereeing is complicit. More specifically, the instructions these Refs work to. And where do those mandates ultimately come from? Their employers, PGMOL, Clubs, UEFA, FIFA etc. etc.
The higher we climb, the more rancid it gets. So, unless I've missed something, it's not gonna change
Well then maybe it’s time grassroots football does go then.

If there is no point trying to change things then why bother at all?

although I do agree that any changes need to come from the top I.e the EPL down, and we know they won’t.
A&H International
Just to emphasise how bad things seem to be from a narrow perspective.

On a WhatsApp group I'm on with a small number of fellow referees:

1 of them has a Vase middle today. He's currently on his 14th (I kid you not) Assistant for the game. The latest one is double booked and was trying to come off the Vase line for a middle somewhere else.

1 of them has a game, but has had calls from 4 other side's asking him to referee and offering him over and above the normal match fee to do so.

Got a mail this morning saying that tomorrow alone across adult and youth games there are 250 matches uncovered. It's a mind boggling number.

Looks like I'm going to ref my supply league (step 7) game on my own

And this is when I'm filling a gap at barely 50% fit too
Looks like I'm going to ref my supply league (step 7) game on my own

And this is when I'm filling a gap at barely 50% fit too
Wow, if it's bad at that level of the pyramid, can't imagine what it's like further down for coverage
Wow, if it's bad at that level of the pyramid, can't imagine what it's like further down for coverage

Just been sorted so can't complain. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have reffed today but there's no other 4s available, at all
Just to emphasise how bad things seem to be from a narrow perspective.

On a WhatsApp group I'm on with a small number of fellow referees:

1 of them has a Vase middle today. He's currently on his 14th (I kid you not) Assistant for the game. The latest one is double booked and was trying to come off the Vase line for a middle somewhere else.

1 of them has a game, but has had calls from 4 other side's asking him to referee and offering him over and above the normal match fee to do so.

Got a mail this morning saying that tomorrow alone across adult and youth games there are 250 matches uncovered. It's a mind boggling number.


Was on a Vase line last night. The other AR allocates refs for a local mens league and he has covered 10 out of 22 matches today
Likely to be worsened this weekend as well as lots of people, myself included, haven't got enough petrol to get to and from games.
The worst part is, some of those 8000 games will be reffed by tired referees, who are perhaps doing a 3rd or 4th game as a direct result of the shortage.
They wont have their best games, will be abused for it and become at risk to be the next referee to sack it in...
This exactly.

I've got 4 games this Sunday, I have ambition to proceed but this is getting tiring.
Must have had requests for at least 10 games today and 10 tomorrow sent out from County FA.

Womens National Reserve League Middle tomorrow and an Under 23s line on Thursday evening, my next two.

Rusty's point a good one, should have just about enough fuel to get to/from Thursday's game which isn't exactly local.

Referee offered to pick me up from a nearby station if needed, but as he isn't local either that would just be a pain for us both and expensive (no expenses on the U23s) for me, so that's a non starter really - nice of him to offer though.
I ref grassroots mainly junior and I'll do OA if I'm available to help out. I never expect the players to play like Ronaldo yet theres an expectation that I ref to the same levels as Michael Oliver. People need to manage their own expectations of what they are going to get from the referee especially at grassroots.

If I am appointed to a game they can expect me to be there in good time, do my best to keep up with play and to make a decision. I cant do no more really. I dont mind criticism of my decisions as sometimes they're wrong and if it can help me learn for next time then happy days but some times the berating from the sides is just a blag especially when the players ( the important ones ) are accepting and respecting my decisions.
Go on, I'm not following (but I may be missing something).
The underlying implications is that you have been paid to "be nice" to the team that pays you.

Accepting more that the stated fee can look like bribery!
Ah the petrol panic buying is ridiculous, people really are... :wall:
To allay any fears our local texaco ran out of diesel on Friday and had refilled by Saturday morning. There is no problem.
To allay any fears our local texaco ran out of diesel on Friday and had refilled by Saturday morning. There is no problem.
Exactly the same here, drove past it on the way home Friday night, not even 12 hours later I’m driving past it again and no drama. Delivery had been made and the sheep were starting to appear
The underlying implications is that you have been paid to "be nice" to the team that pays you.

Accepting more that the stated fee can look like bribery!

I see your point, I was sent a Facebook screenshot of the request, it literally just seems its a manager that desperately wants a referee just so the lads have someone neutral in the middle.

I actually don't know what the match fee would be normally as its not a league I've officiated on before, so for all I know the fee could actually be £40.
With supply and demand being firmly in referees favour at the moment I hope this will drive fees up. Alot of referees are going out there every weekend primarily for money and there's nothing wrong with that. The game needs these refs.

Obviously leagues set fees in the leagues in the England, but these will have to go up if they want to retain refs. Simple supply and demand.

I'm on the promotion scheme so it was great to get an FA Vase line this weekend. My first one. I got £25 fee and mileage. If I'm not looking for promotions and I'm just doing grass roots stuff then there's no way I'm travelling an hour each way for £25 when I'm being offered £80 to do a local game. That's just the reality. If you're serious enough about refereeing to look for promotion, or even to talk about refereeing on a forum then in all likelihood you're not going to be influenced by more money. I certainly am not. But if im just rocking up every weekend to do local games for a bit of money then I'm going to make the most that I can.