Referee's Certificate

Steve Curtis

New Member
Received my Referee's Certificate & County tie tonight from the FAW & Gwent FA.
Thanks to all at the Football Association of Wales for this.
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A&H International
I had the certificate but no county tie in west wales? Feel like I have missed out!!

Well done mate. One of us. One of us. One of us. :)
Free County Tie ?......................You guys have it easy .

I was at a Pre County Cup final seminar thing last season where you meet your fellow final officials and do a quiz and eat some Buffet and so on ....Anyway I saw a box of County Ties in the corner and helped myself to one ....only to be tapped on the shoulder and told they are £10 each ?? Obviously I put it back where it came from :D
I've been told I have to wear it at all official meetings, don't think I've worn a tie since school! So its left over right, under, over & through?