Referees Direct card stickers

Scotty Ref

Active Member
I’ve seen these advertised quite a lot on social media recently.

Has anyone used these yet?? They look a bit like the refs world skins, I’d be interested to know if these are substantially better as I was never a fan of the skins.

Also if you’ve used pencil on them does it work ok?
A&H International
I've said a few times that I think the one flaw of the refsworld skins is the lack of a "white card" option for noting subs and goals. These seem to have attempted to solve that with the match record cards, but have ignored the fact that we're expected to take/check names for subs and not just numbers.

I'm also not a huge fan of their suggestion to stick this record card on the back of a yellow - it's not great to pull out a yellow card for goals or subs, and if you do that then you're either cramming two stickers on one card, or carrying a yellow for cautions and a yellow for match events, which seems odd. I do carry a spare set of cards, but typically that's as a pair for backup and quick second-yellows, so this doesn't fit in with how I generally lay out my pockets.