Ref's Room- Lively Signals 1 - 0 Lazy Signals

Is there any aspect of refereeing that makes the official look unsure of himself more than lazy signalling? We are speaking here not only of referees but of assistant referees also.
Too often do we see a referee offer a directional signal with his arm held slackly out almost as if it contained no muscles to give it strength, and it is also probably a forearm signal rather than a full arm one. Upon seeing a few such arm-signals, a spectator was heard to say, “If I were playing in this game I’d start to give this ref a bit of aggro. He looks as if he’s frightened of upsetting everybody.”
Lazily given signals —- for that is exactly what they are —- give confidence to nobody. Avoid them like the plague!
When the ball goes out of play for a throw-in or when the referee has blown for a free-kick (again, a signal that wants to be given with confidence), a prompt, straight-arm signal suggests that the referee is sure about what will happen next, Players react positively to such signals. Even if the referee might be fractionally unsure of the correct decision, it will be acceptable if it is given confidently but not arrogantly.
When we consider flag-signals by the assistant referee, again we look for lively signals and not lethargically offered ones. A positive, straight-arm flag-signal indicating direction, maintained for a few seconds for all concerned to heed, gives the right image to someone who is carrying out the important and demanding work of assisting the referee.
It stands to reason that if a team of three is in charge of the game all of them must offer positive, confident signals. Call them ‘snappy’ if you like, but they should not be given over-hastily.
Signals must communicate what you are thinking. Make sure you don’t let the team of three down in this way.
Source: Ted Ring – BENCHMARK Newsletter (November 2011).
A joint publication between Sheffield & Hallamshire County Football Association and the County Referees’ Association.
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