Resigning from International football

Until he Kung Fu's someone in the first min and he's off.
See, Eric's quality was he brought the other players to life, he was the spark..... even Eric would have difficulty bringing the rest of that shower to life.
I remember Eric scoring a lob at BTDBL and getting a standing ovation, not seen it since. He was the cream on the cake, a composer,
A&H International
I've got a mate who's so bad tempered I call him "San Marino" because he kicks off every ten minutes.

I'm gonna have to change his nickname to "Scotland"
Maybe if McLeish goes and sits in the cooked meats section in Tesco someone might mistake him for a breaded ham, buy him, take him away and do us all a favour.
In fact, maybe even just swap him - I doubt a slab of pork could do a worse job.

someone posted that on a forum....nobody can top that
New FIFA rankings just in...

156 . Shutter Island
157. The Moon
158. Fraggle Rock
159. Atlantis
160. Brigadoon
161. Whatever the name of the island Tom Hanks got washed up on in Castaway
162. Hogwarts X1
163. The Garden of Eden select
164. Scotland women
165. Scotland men