Returning to the Middle... fitness needed!!


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hello All,

After a 3 season absense I am returning back to the middle, I am now somewhat overweight, a tad over 19 stone but 5ft 10" in height (always been big boned) lol, can anyone recomend some fitness tips like how long? how often? running? sprinting? stretches? etc..... etc..... I would greatly appreciate any guidence .

You can respond here or email me : leeevans1980[at]gmail.com

Bring it on!!
A&H International

Good advice on offer above.

If you are throwing yourself back into fitness, remember to build up gradually and not overdo it and end up injuring yourself or worse destroy your motivation.

Low contact exercises such as swimming and cardio work in the gym mixed in with running sessions. Rowing, cross trainer and cycle machine - all great.

Finding someone to train with is also a massive help.

The other part is diet. Discipline and making sure to eat properly pre and post games/training



The other thing is keeping a training log. Keep track of progress to help keep your motivation up!!

Finally, remember that rest days (or active recovery days) are as important as training days. So train one day, walk the dog (or just go for a dog less walk) the next. Repeat!

Hope this helps mate.
As Supermonkey has already said, just low impact stuff. To start with, try some swimming for a continual 15-20 minutes a day and then slowly step up the time that you are in the water. If you have a local gym that you have access to, also try and use the cross trainers and rowing machines. Both are very low contact and should keep you injury free while training too!
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Hi lee

I have just had my 1st season back and returned at a weight of 15s 8 from reffing as a L4 at 14s 4
After 1 game I went straight onto using my fitness pal app for my food intake and training after 1season back I am now currently 13s 11 and will be going for promotion back to L4 this season

It's hard work but it pays off