Robert Green

Sheff Ref

Level 6 Referee
Hi all,

Handball outside the box by Robert Green v Swansea. I understand that it is a straight red but what reason would we have to put it down under in terms of reporting?

Dogso handball?
Serious Foul Play?
Or another
A&H International
I haven't seen the incident but it worries me that a manager makes assumptions and claims that aren't necessarily correct. Gary Monk seems to imply Green should have been send off because he handled outside his area and that ain't true.
Firstly, a player must deliberately handle the ball (in the case of a keeper, outside his penalty area). As I read the laws, if a player does this to prevent an opponent gaining possession, it's a caution. A sending off can only be for preventing a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity. LOTG states "This punishment arises not from the act of the player deliberately handling the ball but from the unacceptable and unfair intervention that prevented a goal being scored."
David, watch the incident and then comment. It's the most obvious DOGSO-H I've seen in a long time
Hi David

Shout back when you've seen it ... As Dan says - it is a DOGSO

What you say about regaining possession is correct - but - big but - the attacker here would have an obvious opportunity to score when he regains possession (punish the most serious offence)

As no free-kick was awarded at all they simply missed it :(
I will.
As Anthony Taylor didn't agree with you (nothing personally here), why no caution for Green either? Maybe I should take a look as to have a clear mind on the incident. One time, as it happens, no replays!
The first time I saw it in real time I thought he had to go then part of me thought what about Dunne? With a defender in such close proximity is it an obvious chance? Then thinking about it, yes it is an obvious chance, the striker clearly has the legs on Dunne had Green not handled the ball so he should be walking.
I can't remember / only saw the handball ... Did the ref try play an advantage / go back and caution Rob Green ..?

I was thinking they simply missed it ( we all miss stuff hence why the biggest clanger discussion is so long! ) - one time at speed