Roma Goalkeeper Red Card


Well-Known Member

One of the consequence of a recent law change in action.. Does this deserve a red card sanction when I doubt if any player is not kicking the ball here.
A&H International
Looks like the keeper is "placing the ball" (as she then takes up a position to kick). Unfortunately uses her feet instead of hands to place the ball.
Retake kick.
She's fully intended to play the goal kick short to her defender there.

100% DOGSO.
Agreed. You see her looking at her defender as well when playing the touch. Just so happens the ball lands on the 6 yard line

is the restart here an idfk?
I was watching her position after the first kick, she retreats to the side of the goal (and not towards the net). On that basis, although it looks like a pass, I don't think that's what she intended.
Not buying that. She clearly communicates with her defender to do a short kick to her and backs out of the way once she's done it. This just happens to be to the side of the goal.
I've always thought something should be done about the Law surrounding the restart of play with FK/goalkicks/corners. Far too ambiguous. Perhaps there should be some emphasis in the laws about using the hands to place the ball and the risks of using one's feet to do so
Keeper retreats to the side after the roll which might fool a few in to thinking she was placing the ball. However, she’s remonstrating with her own defender after she’s been shown the RC as she knows the defender should have played it.

If she was placing it for the GK then why panic and prevent the attacker playing it? Just let her put it the net if you know you haven’t taken your kick.
Red card for me too. Keeper knows it was an offence. She just didn't know it was a red.

Is everyone happy with the delivery of the red card? I am not. It's too aggressive and somewhat personal. Not necessary for a send off like this.
For me as referee this is one we can do two things. One, as per the clip, red card, and, this is the correct call. Pro game etc

However, at kids, or pub, at 6-0, ten mins to go, we could overlook it and give a retake.

What i dont like is the over zealous card flashing here and stern point to dressing room, as if the gk has decapitated someone. This is more a trchnical offence and does not need aggression.
Yeah, the initial body language of the referee doesn't really help. A little more compassion may help diffuse the situation.
I also often wonder why referees get drawn into conversations with players. A simple "touching ball a second time which stop an obvious goal scoring opportunity which is unfortunately a red card offense. Sorry, but these are the laws and nothing I can do". After that, its a simple "I've already explained now please leave the pitch", repeated until the player leaves.
If I got surrounded like that, I would slowly back away and make it clear that for players to move away. If the followed me, sorry, but card comes out.