Rooney penalty


Well-Known Member
Level 6 Referee
The pundits are saying Rooney dived to win a penalty vs some small team near blackpool tonight... I have to say having watched it was a stonewall penalty. Don't you agree @haywain ??
A&H International
Yes, callum, tho surely you mean a small town near blackpool.

As for the pen, imho some people will only be happy if players hang around long enough to get seriously injured by idiot keepers. the tackle was reckless, the penalty appropriate
How did you get reckless from that? :) I wouldn't even say it was careless.

There was no contact, keeper pulled out, Rooney left his leg there to be kicked in a deliberate attempt to win a penalty, but he still wasn't touched before he went down.

Stonewall simulation. Shame there is no retrospective punishment.
Martin Keown said he was right to 'dive out of the way to avoid being clattered so it's a definite penalty'.

Had the player had the surname Herrera, Rojo, Blind, Di Maria, Fellaini or anything else "Forren" they'd be screaming about cheating. England captain? Good on you chap, well done, intelligent play, honest football, blah blah blah.

*edit* Looks like this crossed with Morten's post
100% dive.

Nothing prevented him from continuing his progress, he didn't jump over the gk, he stepped over him.....then dragged his foot into the pitch before falling over......

But why people expect more from the worst England captain ever is much more of surprise.
Revolting player who just proves the theory that professional football is the answer to ugly blokes getting laid.

Abysmal human being.
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Not a penalty IMO, but I also don't think it's a dive. Purely because, to me, it doesn't look as though he's gone down in a deliberate attempt to win the penalty, as he goes over the keeper his right toes dig into the ground, putting him off balance and causing him to fall. In Phil Dowd's defence I'd never spot that in real time!
I'm with @jack.prescott never in a month of Sundays would you spot that in real time on first viewing. Obviously watching replays it was a dive, but a pretty good one.
The second Rooney hits the floor his head turns to face dowd... He also braces his fall very well for someone who hasn't dived
100% a dive. If that isn't simulation, I don't know what is.

No blame attached to Dowd though; from the angle he had it looked like a foul, so no way he could've spotted it.

What annoyed me the most was the England manager condoning it. Cowardly.
I can only blame the keeper.

If this happens Saturday or Sunday in your games your gut will rightly go penalty. It's only with TV replays this debate has aroused.
In my humble opinion the fact that there was no contact between Stuckmann and Rooney is irrelevant in this case. Because of the speed and intensity of the keepers challenge the moment he doesn't get the ball a foul has been committed whether Rooney goes down or not.
In my humble opinion the fact that there was no contact between Stuckmann and Rooney is irrelevant in this case. Because of the speed and intensity of the keepers challenge the moment he doesn't get the ball a foul has been committed whether Rooney goes down or not.
Care to explain that one mate?
In real time it looked a pen to me but as others have said in reality it's a blatant dive.