Sad news

Brian Hamilton

RefChat Addict
Some of you who frequent the various refereeing websites may have crossed paths with a poster named Sundial. I heard today that Sundial died on October 2. He was 66, still an active referee having returned to the fray after a health scare last season. He worked hard in his local community. He loved refereeing, especially arguing about the finer points of law with me and others scattered across the referee forums.

We never met though we crossed paths (and swords) many times but I respected his opinions and thoughts. He was a friend, only an online friend, but still a friend. I'm fairly sure he will have asked permission before leaving the field ... rest in peace my friend.

P.S. Sundial had a thing about being able to post anonymously using a pseudonym. He liked the freedom this brought and protected his own identity fiercely. If you know his real name, please respect his memory by referring only to him as Sundial. He would have liked that.
A&H International
That is sad news. From having witnessed his postings in various places he certainly loved a fiercely passionate debate and was also at times very funny.

Terribly sad news...Sundial and I debated many points of refereeing across different forums.

Will be sorely missed.
Blimey. Sundial was the chap who popped up on google on a forum when I was searching out questions on law etc during my course. Great bloke and very 'padfootesque'. Both very entertaining and knowledgeable.

Always sad to lose a referee, especially such an active one at a fairly young age. Rest in peace sundial
Been a frequent follower of his posts, mainly on the RA site. Such a sad loss, condolences to his family at this sad time
I have been in frequent debates with Sundial on various forums in the past, and he will be missed. RIP.
Sundial was always very keen to offer insight and sage advice to young referees; I cannot begin to count the number of times he helped (in his way) me work through some various issues I've faced in my career thus far. Requiem aeternam, Domine.