Season stats


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
As my season is over I've been totting up some figures on my season :)
I've officiated on 95 games this season, 43 of them middles and 52 of them assistant.
I've issued;
52 Yellow cards (1.2/game)
10 Red cards (4.3/game)
5 Misconduct reports
Other randoms;
Bust 3 pairs of boots
Been slide tackled twice
Reffed for 5 weeks without knowing I'd broken a toe
Missed my first game through injury
A&H International

Yeah I'm a big Excel aficionados
C'est fantastique, match 25 et le deux cartons rouges, raison pour le deux? Deuxieme carton jaune? Faute grossière?
For our English users :p
It's fantastic, match 25 and the 2 red cards, reason for the 2? 2nd cautions? Serious foul play?
Ps: hope my French is right!
Yes exactly ! The first is a second yellow (congrats on the gal to get two dissent caution on the same game) and the second SFP ! This team is a huge pain, see a few lines before (game 23), same team, 4 cautions, all dissent, and frankly, I usually have to give no more than 1 dissent every two games, so it was pretty chocking... (Had a decent game btw)

You didn't ask but the third of the season, this weekend, was DOGSO (or AOB as we say : Annihilation d'une Occasion de But)

PS: Yeah you got it, except that "le" refers only to one thing, since you refer to two cards, you should say "les deux", pronounced like "let" without the "t" :D
I have officiated a total of 22 matches (rather low compared to what I normally ref), all of which were in the middle. I have issued 14 yellow cards and only the one red. With only one misconduct report (by all counts a reasonably quiet season). Don't know how you managed to bust three pairs of boots I haven't lost any although I have done far less matches :)
You didn't ask but the third of the season, this weekend, was DOGSO (or AOB as we say : Annihilation d'une Occasion de But
I like that, I'll save that for Ibercup in case I referee a French team :D That sounds awesome :cool:
injuries and work (and starting in November) caused a miserable season!

2 games!!!
1 x yellow
1 x penalty

twice knackered, a busted knee and a sprained ankle - see ya later season :mad::(:cry:

95 games is impressive btw @Aled - I think my record when I were younger was 45 in a season? all middles though
I like that, I'll save that for Ibercup in case I referee a French team :D That sounds awesome :cool:

Is there a list of the teams involved ? I'd be curious to see if there is any team I know