Junior/Youth Secondary Schools Tournament


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Our town is hosting the NZ Secondary Schools national tournament this week. One week of every school year, all the sports run the nationals, to save on time away from school etc etc.

We have the Boy's football, and it is full-on - 36 games a day, across three venues for the first three days, then into play-off phase for the last two.

35 mins each way - and as many games to ref as I would want (although limiting myself!!!)

So far, had a wonderful time, some beautiful football being played and all in a good spirit, hard but honest, and the players responding really well to my 'quiet words'. While a couple at today's match were on final warnings, no cards issued in my three games so far.

It's been a real pleasure refereeing for these young men, reminds me why I do it.

One more game for me tomorrow, then it's back into the men's leagues at the weekend.

a quiet week then the Intermediate Schools tournament is in town, 11-13 yr olds from all over the country in a ding-dong football feast.

Loving It!!!!!!
A&H International