Sent off in a final


Well-Known Member
I know there aren't many finals at this time of the year, but I was wondering, if you sent a player off during the match, is he allowed to collect his medal and celebrate with his team depending after the match? Or does he have to get his medal etc separate?
A&H International
Seperate , Micky he is not allowed back on the pitch after a red card
Let's say the final is in a stadium e.g. Hampden or Wembley where the medals are given off the pitch in the actual stands. What is the procedure then?
As far as im aware he will not be going up to collect 1 or celebrating on the pitch arterwards
Either way from my perspective, it's not my problem as the referee. Leave it to the competition organisers to deal with that sort of thing.
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ASM is correct , this stuff is usually in the pre match litrature sent out to both teams and officials weeks prior to the match and there will usually be a league Rep .....lurking around on the day making sure all the ts are crossed
his played to get to the final - i say dont be so PC and let the poor sod join his team mates in getting a medal

talk about ruin the day
He also did something dumb in the final to get walked.

As ASM said though, my job is done at the final whistle (more or less). Give me my trinket so I can have a shower and get to the bar for a well earned beer!