Open Age Shirt in or out?


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
This might seem like a stupid question but do you prefer to have your shirt tucked in or do you prefer to have it untucked??

A&H International
'disgust' is a pretty strong word

i would suggest that there really are more important things in life to be disgusted about
Definitely tucked in, especially as I have a white strip at the bottom of my top so it would look silly if I didn't tuck it in...
Appearance means everything as a referee. If you appear untidy and scruffy then you will struggle to sell decisions even if they are correct.

Go out looking the part as if your on tv at Wembley on the FA Cup a Final you will get more respect, a better mark, an easier game, and a better assessment. That means clean boots as well as your shirt tucked in.
isn't even an option for me, I have even asked a few of my assistants to tuck in when I have had neutrals
When I see a referee with an untucked shirt I stop watching the game because I'm willing to wager that what I see from then on will be worse than I can handle without getting frustrated.