Sian Massey - Deliberate or not?


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee

Doesn't make much of an effort to avoid her :(
Good that she saw the funny side, but looked quite painful
A&H International
Definitely looks deliberate to me, player clearly changes direction to make contact with Sian. Not on and I hope he's disciplined for it. Whether he will be disciplined though is another matter
i think he ment it myself what a twit anyway full credit to her just gets up and gives her signal fair play she must have a bigger hairer pair than most of us lol !!! i fully support what the female officials are doing in the game so big ups for the female officials out there !!!!
i think he ment it myself what a twit anyway full credit to her just gets up and gives her signal fair play she must have a bigger hairer pair than most of us lol !!! i fully support what the female officials are doing in the game so big ups for the female officials out there !!!!

I also think its deliberate, but disagree with the laer part of your post.

Yes its good to have female officials, but not in mens football, especially at senior level. Are women allowed to play football with men? No.

So, should they be allowed to officiate mens football? No.

Obviously this would never happen, because there arn't enough female officials, but personnaly, I believe that women should referee womens football and men, mens football, and it shouldn't cross over.
So, should they be allowed to officiate mens football? No.
Agreed - unless they've reached that position by exactly the same route as their male colleagues.

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm totally against women refs being given an easier ride. It's just ..... wrong.
Agreed - unless they've reached that position by exactly the same route as their male colleagues.

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm totally against women refs being given an easier ride. It's just ..... wrong.

Quite agree, I mean, I don't think anybody can deny that being female has majorly quickened her route to the top. I'm not sexist, but there is a line between equality, and making a point!

That said it happens in a league I'm on. A female referee, who if she was male, would never be on the league, because to be frank, she hasn't a clue! I know Sian Massey is a top class official, and take nothing away from that, all I'm saying is, theres no need to put a female official in a all mens league, simply to ensure that people don't view the admin people as sexist.
Regardless of whether she is female or not, she's worked hard to get to the position she has and that should be applauded. The powers that be would not have promoted her firstly to L3, then FL Line and most recently to PL line if she wasn't capable. To say that she's reached the top quicker because she is female is unfair IMO.

What about Stuart Attwell and Michael Oliver? Although they are young (similar age to Sian in fact), they have been promoted quicker because they have the ability, not because of their sex!
Regardless of whether she is female or not, she's worked hard to get to the position she has and that should be applauded. The powers that be would not have promoted her firstly to L3, then FL Line and most recently to PL line if she wasn't capable. To say that she's reached the top quicker because she is female is unfair IMO.

What about Stuart Attwell and Michael Oliver? Although they are young (similar age to Sian in fact), they have been promoted quicker because they have the ability, not because of their sex!

I see what you are saying, but I still maintain, that if Sian Massey was a man (weird thought), then she probably would not be at the level she is know. Granted, maybe in a few years, she would be, but not right now.

I don't think that we can deny, that in modern day society, people are affraid of offending people, or affraid of being seen to be sexist, stereotypical etc, and as a result, people who may not nessecerily have the right credentials, or is good enough, or is not the general person, etc to have a certain rol or job, get it, because they are exactly what the employer don't want to be seen to be against... If that makes sense.

Yes I'm sure that she has worked very hard, but the fact that she is a woman, has deffinetly, in my opinion, helped her out.

Besides, women can't play in the league, so why should they be allowed to ref there? I'm not sexist, I just believe that the PGMOL try to make a point about not being sexist, and so have a female on a PL line, where I'm sure, there are male officials who have worked just as hard, if not harder, for longer, and Sian has taken their place, in some kind of PGMOL 'publicity stunt' (in search of better phrase).
I suppose you're right in a way Lewys, the fact she is female has potentially counted in her favour. BUT, she has been promoted to where she is because she has performed to a higher standard than some of the others on the list.

You're right that women can't play in mens leagues, but if you adopt that principal with referees we won't have many female referees! Locally, there are very few women's football teams, so there would be no demand for women referees, so their only option is to referee in mens football. If women referees were banned from mens football, I wouldn't be surprised if there were no female referees left here.
My opinion on the whole female/male refereeing issue is this: I don't believe that male footballers are going to accept the authority of a woman (especially at grassroots) so I'm always weary of putting a woman on the open-age men's matches here when I'm assigning.

As for the video: I don't know that it was deliberate (probably because I want to believe that footballers are still gentlemen) but that he should absolutely have stopped, helped her up and apologized profusely.
My opinion on the whole female/male refereeing issue is this: I don't believe that male footballers are going to accept the authority of a woman (especially at grassroots) so I'm always weary of putting a woman on the open-age men's matches here when I'm assigning.

As for the video: I don't know that it was deliberate (probably because I want to believe that footballers are still gentlemen) but that he should absolutely have stopped, helped her up and apologized profusely.

I must agree with you there. Weather it was deliberate or not, he should have held out a hand to help her up.