The Ref Stop



Active Member
Level 7 Referee

When refereeing I get a sickly feeling, it can be either during the prematch, during the game or after the game. Sometimes I can feel it in the back of my throat

Does anyone have any advice or have the same problem?
The Ref Stop
Anxiety? Or hunger?

What is going on with you when it comes on? Feelings, thoughts? sensations etc?
It happens in any match, whether its an u11s or open age game.
I eat 2/3 hours before the game so I can't be hungry

It occurs at random times, I could be half way through the warm up and feel sick or be getting changed and it will be in the back of my throat. My thoughts are normally reflecting on the game if its afterwards but other than that nothing...
Drinking water too quick or drinking too much can cause this feeling. Any chance you could be a gulper?

I drink very little before, during or after matches... I do like to drink plenty of fluids just not when i'm about to ref:)
I get the burning, sicky sensation in my throat sometimes too, generally happens every once in a while during any physical activity. Can be due to things you eat beforehand (night before even) etc... trick I found that works is a freeze gel on the neck as soon as you feel it start to come on, stops it after a minute
Hiatus Hernia (Spelling?) possibly? ............. my Mrs has had this for years and the sick burning feeling was a symptom , till she got medication

Check it out with your Doc Good luck .

If correct you owe me £80 for this consultation !

I don't do NHS :D
I get the burning, sicky sensation in my throat sometimes too, generally happens every once in a while during any physical activity. Can be due to things you eat beforehand (night before even) etc... trick I found that works is a freeze gel on the neck as soon as you feel it start to come on, stops it after a minute
I'll look into trying this:) cheers
Hiatus Hernia (Spelling?) possibly? ............. my Mrs has had this for years and the sick burning feeling was a symptom , till she got medication

Check it out with your Doc Good luck .

If correct you owe me £80 for this consultation !

I don't do NHS :D

If it doesn't get any better i'll pay my doc a visit, best get saving £80 then;)
I agree with @Beezer .

My mother had a hiatus her is and while she doesn't make a habit of refereeing she does get a lot of the symptoms you mention.

Take a look at this link....

Do you do much exercise other than games?

If not it would explain why you get it at games and not other times.

Treatment usually means a full stomach biopsy and colostomy bag for a year.:poop:

Only joking, it's usually tablets or a syrup to be taken before symptoms expected, or worst case a small keyhole op where they pull the hernia back down and secure with a stitch to prevent re-occurrence.

So even worst case would be 1 day in and out of hospital and a two week recovery. :D