Signed up for referees course - starting next Sunday!


Hi all

First I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Sean, 27 years old from Norfolk, and as you can probably tell from my username the majority of my experience has come from the touchline as a coach rather than the middle. I started coaching at 16 with a local youth team taking a team from u9-u12 and doing my FA Level 2 and Youth award before going on to University to study Sport Coaching. After working full-time as a coach for 2 years after University I ended up having a career change and I now work with International Students and I haven't coached, other than the odd guest session, since 2014.

Roll on to now and I've just signed up for a refereeing course starting on Sunday 21st January with a view to (hopefully) qualify as a Level 7 referee by the end of March. I have some very limited experience of refereeing before; as with many coaches I've been roped into refereeing youth fixtures when we haven't had a qualified ref available and I even refereed a few Sunday League games as an unqualified ref aged 16/17.

I'm keen to get back involved in the game I love, keep fit, earn a bit of pocket money and see how far I can take it. What have I let myself in for? :p
A&H International
One things for sure Sean, you'll definitely learn a lot more to refereeing than you're used to. As soon as you're passed, I recommend registering wiht your local Referee Association, that way, you're insured, plus you learn even more at your monthly meetings.
I haven't been this excited about something in a while - spent my lunch break buying two near pairs of boots for soft and firm ground!
@CoachTurnedRef - Welcome.

If you haven't bought your boots yet, consider rugby boots for soft ground. They are more waterproof and have better studs.

Remember Referees boots don't have to comply with the laws of the game.
Cheers for the recommendations @lincs22 and @Mintyref - unfortunately I have already purchased two pairs - Nike tempo firm ground and soft ground. I hadn't even thought about rugby/non football boots! I'll have to look into them when I upgrade :D
Cheers for the recommendations @lincs22 and @Mintyref - unfortunately I have already purchased two pairs - Nike tempo firm ground and soft ground. I hadn't even thought about rugby/non football boots! I'll have to look into them when I upgrade :D
I've no doubt that some of the wardens on here will tell you your boots must be black. I have fat feet as well as a fat head and cannot get football pumps that are comfortable, I wear what fits and works for me, but then I was never going for the dizzy heights, level six was enough for me!
I've no doubt that some of the wardens on here will tell you your boots must be black. I have fat feet as well as a fat head and cannot get football pumps that are comfortable, I wear what fits and works for me, but then I was never going for the dizzy heights, level six was enough for me!

Both pairs are black with a white Nike tick and gold trim - very plain and traditional referee boots! Don't want to give off the wrong impression of being a flair referee ;)
Hi all

I've now completed the input part of the referees course, really enjoyed it. There were 12 participants, 7 youngsters (14-17) myself and the rest were older guys who were involved in youth football (40/50+). Tutor was really helpful and approachable.

Now I've got to get my 5 games in before Friday 23rd March when I take the exam. Got my first two games lined up for Sat 3rd and 10th Feb and I'm looking forward to it.
First game done :). Played on a 3g pitch, ended as a 7-1 win for the away side. No cards needed. Lots of handshakes after the game so I must have done alright.

I could have handled substitutions better and use out of play time to get into position quicker, but overall I was quite happy with it. I kept up with play well (easily in fact) and I don't feel as if I made any bad decisions. A few players moaned that I was too quick to go with the AR for offside, but I felt he was doing a good job and was in a better position. I imagine this is a common complaint!
One things for sure Sean, you'll definitely learn a lot more to refereeing than you're used to. As soon as you're passed, I recommend registering wiht your local Referee Association, that way, you're insured, plus you learn even more at your monthly meetings.

Where do you think you stand as an unqualified ref doing your 5 games before you go back to sit your exam to become qualified?

My tutor scared the life out of us about making sure we get registered with our local fa, but what about right here and now whilst I’m doing my five games or probably more by the time I go back to compete my course.
Cheers for the recommendations @lincs22 and @Mintyref - unfortunately I have already purchased two pairs - Nike tempo firm ground and soft ground. I hadn't even thought about rugby/non football boots! I'll have to look into them when I upgrade :D
Excellent choice. Wore Tiempos all through my careers. Especially comfortable for those of us who have slightly wider feet.