

Level 7 Referee
Taking my usual saturday night routine, MOTD has been on not even 40 minutes and I've already seen 2 cautions given for simulation! How and why is this still happening? This needs to be stomped out before this starts being copied by younger players and we start seeing this more regularly at grassroots level?
A&H International
Taking my usual saturday night routine, MOTD has been on not even 40 minutes and I've already seen 2 cautions given for simulation! How and why is this still happening? This needs to be stomped out before this starts being copied by younger players and we start seeing this more regularly at grassroots level?

Because the way the game is refereed encourages it.

Cop a slight knock in the PA, knock you off balance a little bit, stay on your feet but then lose the ball from all that? You'll never be awarded a PK, even though it should be one.
So what possible reason to players have to even try to stay on their feet? It's not much of a leap from that to a full-blown dive.
It's too late to stop it reaching grass roots, it's already there! Had 2 cautions at junior level this season for simulation.:eek:
Unfortunately not enough referees are willing to caution for this, or anything else, at youth level.

Watching my sons team this season I've seen two of the most blatant dives ever....not even a word from the ref let alone a caution!
The thing is you need to be 100% that it is an act of simulation if you are going to penalise it, i had an U16 schools semi-final at the end of last season, which was more feisty than most adult matches I've had, there was a suspected dive BUT a defending player cut across me just as it happened so I didn't get the best view so I ended up cutting the grass and telling him to get up. When I've been discussing this with other colleges, some thinks it should become a sending off offence, I doubt this would actually happen but if it did the referee would have to 150% certain on it!