Sin bins


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
I'm sure that this has been covered elsewhere.
Player shows dissent in the warm up. Presumably you just show him a non-sinbin yellow card??
A&H International
I'm sure that this has been covered elsewhere.
Player shows dissent in the warm up. Presumably you just show him a non-sinbin yellow card??
How can a player show dissent before the game has started? They disagree with whether the lines are visible enough to play on, they don't think your coin toss landed clearly as heads?
I never carded someone before a game but there were definitely times when things were said, maybe in jest, were said during a heated game, then cards would definitely follow! It is in your powers but I’d say pretty rare to actually take place.
Dissent at what decision?

Dissent is definied as Public protest or disagreement (verbal and/or physical) with a match official’s decision.

Just laugh it off then ping him for a soft yellow early doors.
I had this last season...when I was in earshot a player who I have had trouble with before turned to his mate and said "not this clown again, he's a joke". It was said deliberately so I heard.
I had this last season...when I was in earshot a player who I have had trouble with before turned to his mate and said "not this clown again, he's a joke". It was said deliberately so I heard.

I think I would have replied with, " your still getting picked for a team?" Then quickly..." i will try better today if you do too"
You're living rent-free in his head mate. He's talked himself into a yellow over the 90, easy.

Knew a couple of local players who'd try this out with refs. Like they'd "won" cos they'd called me ****e through the changing room walls, as if it was a cutting remark that I'd dwell upon forever. Shower, change, pint, go home, report, forget. It's him, not me, who'll be reminded of it a few days later.
I had this last season...when I was in earshot a player who I have had trouble with before turned to his mate and said "not this clown again, he's a joke". It was said deliberately so I heard.
The defenition in law refers to the game you are currently refereeing. If he disagrees with what you did the last game then it is not dissent. You have three options.
- caution him for USB
- send him off for OFFINABUS
- take no action

If he plays, you are of course going to have to be aware that he is going to need a bit of managing.