Six seconds

You’ve lost me here. What does a caution have to do with a 6 second IFK?
Go back to the previous post to the one you quoted.

@Quarryref points out that a referee who is holding the ball too long will also likely be stalling over restarts - and if you're going to stick your head above the parapet and punish one to try and speed him up, a YC at a dead ball and then restart with the same GK will cause you less fuss than giving the IFK for holding it too long and potentially turning a defensive clearance into a goalscoring opportunity.

I was asking if that YC actually being a 2nd YC would tilt the maths back the other way or not.
A&H International
Context is everything. The commentary suggests there was not additional relevant context but @JamesL tell us more!
As per what I have been told in a group discussion by the referee himself. This should not have come as much of a surprise as it did, keeper warned multiple times along with captain.

But I suppose thinking about that we probably all do that but don't end up at the final result of an idfk.

Ironically given our other thread the commentator is an ex pro footballer (but also well connected refereeing wise. His brother is ex PL AR and is current PGMOL something or other, possibly coach and a bloody good one at that). But he (commentator) is also very connected to the home team, managing them up until the end of last season, so his commentary tends to be the Blue teams point of view.
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As per what I have been told in a group discussion by the referee himself. This should not have come as much of a surprise as it did, keeper warned multiple times along with captain.

But I suppose thinking about that we probably all do that but don't end up at the final result of an idfk.

Ironically given our other thread the commentator is an ex pro footballer (but also well connected refereeing wise. His brother is ex PL AR and is current PGMOL something or other, possibly coach and a bloody good one at that). But he (commentator) is also very connected to the home team, managing them up until the end of last season, so his commentary tends to be the Blue teams point of view.
But it's the first half and it's 0-0
I can't envisage the GK needing to be warned repeatedly in such circumstances. To give the IDFK, I'd assert that the R has run out of options!
Surely only a Referee under observation would go point scoring (or spurning) in this manner
But it's the first half and it's 0-0
I can't envisage the GK needing to be warned repeatedly in such circumstances. To give the IDFK, I'd assert that the R has run out of options!
Surely only a Referee under observation would go point scoring (or spurning) in this manner
Exactly, why on earth would a keeper be wasting time at 0-0 in the first half? Unless it was top against bottom, but you don't tend to get that kind of behaviour in supply league games in my experience.
My advice would be never count out loud :
(i) you paint yourself into a corner - do you really want to penalise as soon as you get to 7 ?
(ii) it encourages players to do it and you never want that - I actively stop that if it starts happening
I had exactly that in a contrib game, a player was counting out loud every time the keeper picked the ball up. I "encouraged" him to pack it in, but the assessor was adamant I should have stopped play, cautioned him and given an IDFK, and I got marked down for not doing so.

What the assessor hadn't heard is I'd congratulated him on being able to count and asked him if he could make it into double figures, far more effective than a caution in my opinion.
The ref in question is actually a forum member (though he hasn't posted for quite a while).
Not his fault the players don't know or want to play by the LOTG.
If he's being observed then he needs to be seen to be correct in law, end of.