"Snap him!"


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
U18 match yesterday, tight affair, game competitive but no major incidents. Couple of the lads more... enthusiastic... than others with tackles and tongue, but everything managed, captains and coaches on side to keep everything ticking along quite nicely. But one player was, while not actually doing anything, came across as "one of those". Y'know the types. If you could caution someone just for being a bit of a nob, he'd be suspended before October. One of those.

ANYWAY, Home team 2-1 up. Long ball over the top, attacker in a race with centre back. The "one of those" players yells from halfway "SNAP HIM!" to his defender (or possibly, keeper). Thankfully no snapping happened, attacker got the shot away having done the defender for pace, it cannoned back off the post, and defence eventually scrambled then hoofed it clear for a throw near halfway.

So, my question: What Would You Do?

I'll say what I did after you've had a natter.
A&H International
I had two today, one player I did not see make the comment and could not identify who exactly it was, his comment was crunch him.
I waited for the next break in play and had both skippers in for a chat and told them my thoughts!
Second was club assistant making the comment take him down, he was not listed as a sub, I asked him to be changed and told the manager after that I was reporting the matter. For both incidents I have reported both clubs for the crunch comment and the second comment the away team for misconduct of the club linesman.
Have I done the right thing, I believe issuing a yellow card would possibly made the situation worse.
I had two today, one player I did not see make the comment and could not identify who exactly it was, his comment was crunch him.
I waited for the next break in play and had both skippers in for a chat and told them my thoughts!
Second was club assistant making the comment take him down, he was not listed as a sub, I asked him to be changed and told the manager after that I was reporting the matter. For both incidents I have reported both clubs for the crunch comment and the second comment the away team for misconduct of the club linesman.
Have I done the right thing, I believe issuing a yellow card would possibly made the situation worse.
You couldn't have issued a yellow card as you didn't know which player made the comment, and the CAR can't be cautioned as not a player or substitute.
Reporting the club(s) was the correct course.
Yes, that would be a different scenario with the production of a yellow card or even red depending on the severity of the comment
If you had clear line of sight of this comment, the offender would be having an early shower in my game