So, who is definitely going for promotion this year

A&H International
one big tip is to get the contact details of your assessing co-ordinator and bug them to get your assessments.
Yes I'm going for promotion as well missed it by a few games last year but this year I've managed to get them in time so I've just got to send my £25 into my county then call my assessment officers
Paid my £10! Only hope that I can get the games in as Mrs Mick is getting very anti with me spending most of my spare weekends at footy.
I'm coming to the end of my current promotion year and getting my last assessments in to get my 6-5. But for the next promotion period I'm not sure about going for 5-4 as it looks like I'm going to be living in Germany for 2 years so may just tread water so to speak.
£25, £10. I can't believe how little some counties are charging for the 'bond'. Middlesex have had £50 off of me.
Just to throw it into the mix @206eddy , we don't have to pay a penny (as of yet) for promotion in London! :cool:
I have been informed that Leicestershire & Rutland CFA applicants will having successfully completed the promotion criteria but not necessarily gaining promotion will have their deposit refunded.

I won't hold my breath over it ;)
I've been thinking about it a lot and then I found a problem, the MANDATORY Promotion Seminar is the day after I leave to go on a college sports tour :poop::(. So theoretically I can't do promotion, but I could FaceTime/Skype from the coach or hotel if it was possible ;)
It was my game yesterday and that I need to improve on my confidence first because if I go into adult football I'm gonna get murdered
Do you have a mentor, Craig? If not, then I hope your local RA and/or Appts Sec can find one for you:]

Never good to lose confidence, we've all been there. Though reading from a few posts it appears you only referee youth football? That step into adult matches is an easy one - you lose so much hassle from parents, and can identify with players a lot more. I hope you can find colleagues to chat to and talk through issues that have risen from your recent fixtures - that can include us here on the forum, of course.

I realise I'm miles away from you, and have no experience of your leagues in question, but should you want to talk to a colleague, then I'm a phone call away.
Grayson I had some come watch me yesterday and they was blunt so this where everything is coming from but yea thanks GraysonGrayson
I've been thinking about it a lot and then I found a problem, the MANDATORY Promotion Seminar is the day after I leave to go on a college sports tour :poop::(. So theoretically I can't do promotion, but I could FaceTime/Skype from the coach or hotel if it was possible ;)

I'm not sure whether County F.A.'s and Skype inhabit the same territory but, depending on how keen you are to get your promotion in this year, is there any possibility that you could do your Promotion Seminar on another date in a neighbouring county. Just a thought.
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I'd say that's spot on @haywain - there's certainly a lot of collaboration across the NW with Manchester, Cheshire & Lancashire allowing candidates to attend neighbouring FAs where they cannot attend their own. Given the time of year these seminars are normally held its inevitable that some people will not be able to attend.

does your county not offer two dates - one for the 6-5/4 candidates and another for the 7-6? Northants did and one one occasion due to holiday I attended the 6-5 during my 7-6 promotion but still sat the 7-6 paper.
Copy of email received from my promotion co-ordinator. Appreciate that everyone applying for promotion will get something similar but, just for general info

Hi everyone,

For those of you that don't know me, I am the xxxx Area coordinator for referees which means that I organise and deal with all the assessments related to the promotion scheme that you have applied to join. I cannot stress enough the importance of good administration which starts now. In the few seasons I have been doing this, at least one referee (every season) has failed to get their promotion due to poor administration, despite having the necessary promotion marks. Don't let that person be you please.

The reason I make this point is that I am keen to help you, but I will have 20+ referees to track and assess, so as you can imagine, I simply don't have the time to chase you or search for your fixtures.

It's just a hobby for me too ! I will do all I can to help you but you do need to help yourselves.

You may be assessed at any time from March 1st onwards.

For now, I need 4 things please :-

1. Confirmation from you that you have received this note i.e. I have the right email address.

2. Tell me whether you are ok to communicate by email or not (it does not matter if you prefer not to, but it will probably be easier for both of us if you can).

3. Read the letter and spreadsheet notes carefully. The spreadsheet notes are important and designed to help you(click on the different tabs). I think we have got the bugs out of it, but let me know if not.

4. Return your known March fixtures on the spreadsheet provided by this Friday 1st March if possible. I appreciate not all the fixtures may be out, but with a lot of you on the list, I need to get started. Then update me with any others later. Just update the same spreadsheet all the time as you go.

If you are not comfortable using and emailing spreadsheets that is ok, just tell me. Experience tells me it doesn't suit everyone. You can provide the same information in an email to me or post to me or call me with the details.

Finally, I would strongly recommend you consider joining your local Referees Association (I can only provide details for xxxx but contacts are in your CFA handbook) and try to get along to some of their meetings. Again, from experience, I see referees improve from learning from the experiences of others and sharing some of their own. You'll get good advice and knowledge in a few RA meetings as well as from your assessments, albeit the latter will be more personal to you.

A final point I would make is that one of the qualifying criteria is to referee 20 or more games. On the face of it, this sounds straightforward. However, from November onwards this season, we have had week after week of games wiped out by the weather, leaving quite a few referees short of the requisite number of games. So, if you are able, get some games under your belt in March and April, to get a head start.

My number is below should you wish to call and discuss anything or just need something explaining.

Good luck to you all and I look forward to meeting you at some stage.


Match day contact number xx xx (see notes in spreadsheet, the red bits, red because they are more important !). Sad though it may seem, I strongly recommend you put this number in your mobile phone, as you will need itwhen/if the bad weather comes.
I've not even had confirmation that my £30 cheque has been received let alone anything like this!! It's been cashed though as it's come out of my account!!