Spectator "REF, REF, REF, REF"


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Had a decent u15 girls game today, nothing exciting happened. However there was one chap watching who just would not shut up. Normally I wont say anything to or acknowledge spectators, as I'm there for the match not to justify my decisions. If I'm close by and the situation allows I might have a quick tongue in cheek word with them to raise a smile. But more often than not I wont.

But today this guy was literally shouting over and over again about decisions against his team. Really loudly "REF REF REF REF hows that a corner? Hows that a freekick? Thats never offside." That sort of thing. Towards the end I even (to my own annoyance in hindsight) acknowledged a couple of his queries but justifying what I'd done. I regret doing it as normally wouldnt and really it achieves nothing. I was just wondering how people deal with this, do you just ignore it all the time or any better suggestions.
A&H International
Respect league? Ask manager to remind spectator of the fact. If it continues tell manager that one more word from spectator and it's a misconduct report for the club

Hopefully the first request will suffice
Is it worth making such a fuss about it though? Granted he was about the most persistent person I've ever had at a game, but ultimately is it worth making myself look like I cant handle a bit of shouting. Or am I just expecting too much from myself and shouldnt have to referee with stuff like that going on?
Respect league?.....unless you're quite happy to leave it for next week's ref ;)
Respect league? Ask manager to remind spectator of the fact. If it continues tell manager that one more word from spectator and it's a misconduct report for the club

Hopefully the first request will suffice
Had to do this today. Player committed verbal dissent and I advised the referee who cautioned the player. Player's dad starts to spout about how we'll tackle dissent but not the heavy tackles and I reminded the home club of their responsibility to control the spectators. Not a peep after that.