Sports Direct


Active Member
Hi all,

Just noticed sports direct are selling Nike referee tops, it looks like they’ve maybe only got coloured shirts so far.
Just a heads up for anyone who needs any.

I’ll not be getting any as I believe Notts FA only permit black.
A&H International
I think Notts FA allow yellow as an alternate after the NSL and a couple of other leagues decided to allow teams to have black kits.
I think Notts FA allow yellow as an alternate after the NSL and a couple of other leagues decided to allow teams to have black kits.
That makes sense then. I’ll still probably not bother, more of a highlight for others. I’m mainly doing youth football the the minute and the height difference usually distinguishes me 😂
That makes sense then. I’ll still probably not bother, more of a highlight for others. I’m mainly doing youth football the the minute and the height difference usually distinguishes me 😂
When my son was playing 14U his team shirts were the exact color of the old USSF primary yellow shirt--and they wore black shorts and socks. There was some confusion as to who was supposed to be there to ref, and the person who ended up taking the center only had the primary color. That's fine and not surprising, but then he refused my offer of a different color shirt. :rolleyes: He was not a tall guy, so he was right around the average size of the players on my son's team--who gave him several beautiful passes . . . .