Spring in the air?


RefChat Addict
A balmy 10C (feels like 8C) at kick off for my Isthmian U18 line tonight - really makes a difference when the evening is calm (weatherwise), hopefully the match itself will be equally as benign! ;)
A&H International
If you want to be sure, find a feed for the US v. Honduras WCQ that starts shortly . . . I believe temp at KO is supposed to be 4 degrees . . . that would be Fareheit, not Celsius . . . plus some wind chill . . .
Averaging around 10 degrees down here in the south west of England. Unseasonably dry for much of winter.
We'll see an early blooom again this year I expect as the temps start increasing.
Annual frost has been and gone I reckon.
High of 3 degress with a feels like temp of 0 and sleet for my game tomorrow AM. Spring certainly isn't in the air in this part of Greater Manchester!
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Match on a traditionally very boggy pitch due tomorrow - it's been dry all week so I was feeling pretty positive, but have had intermittent downpours today so who knows!
I'm on my favourite pitch tomorrow at a well known public school - used by the All Blacks and Manchester United Women to train on!

It is superb.
I'm on my favourite pitch tomorrow at a well known public school - used by the All Blacks and Manchester United Women to train on!

It is superb.
So jealous! Yesterday I had two high school games at the same school. The varsity was in their football stadium with a grass field that was about 3/4 crappy, clumpy grass and a 1/4 dirt. But the track team was practicing on that field during the junior varsity game, so that was on a postage stamp sized field (100 x 50 yards) with even worse grass, and a baseball infield dirt that reached all the way to the goal area (no, I don't mean PA--really all the way to the goal area). Egad. And me returning from a sprained ankle--I've never run so carefully in my life.