Spurs v Arsenal - Van Der Vaart

Dave Mac

First off I' ma spurs fan so will be horrendously bias.

But his goal, handball or not. I'm almost tempted to say it was, but as its against Arsenal then nope fine goal.

Secondly should he have been sent off, I see Wenger and Jack "I've got nothing better to do than sit on Twitter ALL DAY LONG" Wiltshire saying he should have had a second yellow for celebrating with the crowd. I think that would have been a little harsh, but again I probably cant see through my navy blue and white tinted glasses on this one!
A&H International
Didn't see the game as I was on a scummy rooftop in a not nice area.

Everyone I've spoken to though has said it was handball. Spuds fans included.

Others have been cautioned for jumping into the crowd, why was this different? 2nd yellow or not it should have been a card
The difference here Ross is he didn't jump into the crowd, anyone that says he did has bad eyes, or we've been shown edited highlights on MOTD because all I saw was him go to the boundary fence and he looked a good 2 feet from it, yet he didn't climb the fence nor actually immerse himself into the crowd, which agreed would be a second caution, so for me it's no caution but it could have been i've seen different footage..
Like I said, I haven't yet seen it. Just going on what other people have said. I've got football first recorded, hoping to be able to watch it tonight
Again, I haven't seen the game, however I have heard that he didn't jump into the crowd, he was just close enough for the fans to crowd around him.

Have not seen the handball either.

Buuuut, Spurs won, so who cares :p