Spurs v Man City

A&H International
If there was a foul, then Kane committed it.
Funny :). I cautioned a player a couple of weeks ago for a reckless challenge in a contested header when he went in with his elbow raised. His response was "he hit my elbow with his face" and he was serious :confused:
Absolutely nothing Delph could do about that. Kane absolutely, and unnecessarily, went in recklessly and he came out worse for it.
On the handball, I am fairly certain what comes in next year, comes in as clarification or guideline and not as a change. If so then they can be applied immediately.
Although most of the new handling language is consistent in effect with interpretations from FIFA/UEFA, there is no way to say it is a clarification or guidance--they explicitly removed the requirement of deliberate from certain kinds of handling.
Although most of the new handling language is consistent in effect with interpretations from FIFA/UEFA, there is no way to say it is a clarification or guidance--they explicitly removed the requirement of deliberate from certain kinds of handling.
And in doing so, they also introduced the totally new concept (at least, as far as the Laws go) of awarding a free kick for handling based on whether it leads to a goal or goal scoring opportunity.