Starting a course


New Member
I’m 16 but 6,6 ft tall I’m just starting my course in Middlesex just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what it is like?
A&H International
I have no idea what it's like to be 6'6. ;)

Course is usually two days. Read the laws of the game and do the pre course work ahead of time. On the day they will usually go through the laws in class room situation and on the field. Offside was outside for me, fouls and misconduct was a video session, rest of the laws were mostly in the room in a fairly interactive way. Taught by a group of referee tutors - they were great for me. Not sure what county you are in but in Surrey after the course you referee 5 games and then sit a laws of the game exam. Do the games, pass the exam and you're a Ref.

Good luck.
I did the course last summer. It was 2 full days (Sundays 9-5) and 2 evenings (5-9) - 1 of the evenings was the introduction to the course, the other was child welfare. As i've said on other threads, the course and tutors were great, it was presented in a fun, interactive but serious way. I was worried about the exam (which I passed just before xmas) but read the laws of the game (LOTG) and practice on areferee.com to get used to similar sample questions (the ones in your exam are easier) and you'll be fine. You'll have a great time and make loads of new friends. Good Luck