Stoke City v Barnsley


RefChat Addict
I know we shouldn't say this but the mass confrontation at the end is childish, yes but comical in its own way. Even funnier is the reaction of the 1st caoch sent off

"What me? What fight is that then ref?". 2nd dismissed coach plays the old "Yeah, but what about x, y and z why aren't they sent off" and the 3rd, to his credit, seems to accept it and trudge off

The 'action' starts at about 1' 50"
A&H International
I know we shouldn't say this but the mass confrontation at the end is childish, yes but comical in its own way. Even funnier is the reaction of the 1st caoch sent off

"What me? What fight is that then ref?". 2nd dismissed coach plays the old "Yeah, but what about x, y and z why aren't they sent off" and the 3rd, to his credit, seems to accept it and trudge off

The 'action' starts at about 1' 50"
Ref looks the part. He has a convincing demeanour
Ref looks the part. He has a convincing demeanour
On the up apparently.

A rapid rise up the ranks for 31-year-old Doughty who joined the EFL list in 2019/20 and was given a League Two play-off date between Cheltenham and Northampton at the end of a first season which included 82 yellows (3.03) and two reds in 27 appointments. He was promoted to the Championship for the start of 2020/21, a fourth elevation in as many seasons for the PE teacher, and finished up with 81 yellows (3.24) and four reds in 25 outings.

Didn't agree with everything he did at QPR yesterday, but no one's perfect :p, & he had a pretty decent game. I had one or two 'other things' to fret about. If anyone bored just look at the stats - QPR v Bristol City yesterday to see why I was a bit:mad: :rolleyes: after the game!
I couldn’t work out if there was a missed red or a mistaken identity. When the two coaches square up there’s a slap/punch thrown by a Barnsley coach. At the exact moment there’s a second Barnsley coach I close proximity and I wasn’t sure if he tried a sneaky shot
I couldn’t work out if there was a missed red or a mistaken identity. When the two coaches square up there’s a slap/punch thrown by a Barnsley coach. At the exact moment there’s a second Barnsley coach I close proximity and I wasn’t sure if he tried a sneaky shot
I was being a little flippant, nightmare to work out who did what to whom when something like that happens.
I was being a little flippant, nightmare to work out who did what to whom when something like that happens.

Oh well aware of that. I saw it live and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. But it was only on a third, reverse angle replay that I saw that stray punch. FA are going to have a field day with it.
Oh well aware of that. I saw it live and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. But it was only on a third, reverse angle replay that I saw that stray punch. FA are going to have a field day with it.
What actually started it?

It was 1-1 and although Stoke had 10 men they were at home, so which side was 'wasting time'?
A ball went out of play for a Stoke throw. Barnsley manager went to kick it and then a Stoke coach ran into the Barnsley technical area, bumped the manager and threw the ball to his player.

It was as simple as that. The very definition of something over nothing
The penalty, thought keeper made no attempt to play the ball, possibly lunged at player then man handled ref?
The penalty, thought keeper made no attempt to play the ball, possibly lunged at player then man handled ref?

Thats a yellow for the gk imo

That aside the clips a timely reminder to us all, never switch off, just when you dont expect ww3 to happen over what in reality, is s throw in, you then have a mass brawl and bith managers binned....always be aware
Thats a yellow for the gk imo

That aside the clips a timely reminder to us all, never switch off, just when you dont expect ww3 to happen over what in reality, is s throw in, you then have a mass brawl and bith managers binned....always be aware
Reminds me of that time I was refereeing an U11 match a few yrs ago, random throw in and all of a sudden both coaches ran onto the pitch from both touchlines and attacked each other in the middle. They were followed by their assistants, parents and wives/girlfriends all taking lumps out of one another and pulling each other's hair. Probably should have called the police in hindsight, I was a timid 20 yr old and ran for the nearest park exit :D
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