Stuart Atwell

A&H International
no pressure there, then

looking at that first photo, is it fair to say that his under shirt isn't the same colour as the main colour on his shirt sleeve - when in Rome, or, in this case, when at white hart lane - sending off cahill, another decision that he got wrong

joking apart, good luck to him, i say

p.s. as a lanyard n whistle wearer, i was wondering if anyone on here holds their whistle like he does in the photo - arthritis at 35 is my less than educated guess
Sort of, although it is an elasticared wrist lanyard which gets oddly twisted between 2-3 fingers.

Something which has developed this season. I can't work out how to do it on purpose. Just seems to happen once the game starts! :)
Very well done to the young chap ....I jolly well hope he thrives back in the big league , need some young ones coming through..
I couldn't be more annoyed. Controversy followed him throughout his PL career and then continued to do so upon his demotion back to National Group.

I've never said this about anyone before, I but I genuinely and truly hope he messes up so massively tomorrow night and the weekend that he effectively seals his place away from the Select Group for life.

Yes, I'm STILL a very bitter Watford fan!
Yeah, he's been ****e both at pretty much every level he's been at; not sure why they're pushing him so hard...
A part of me likes this ghost goal, as proves even the very top can get it wrong!
I'm not a fan of his. Controversy seems to follow him round; I'll be at the game tonight so interested to see how he gets on. Really not sure he's cut out for the top level though.
Lets hope none of us have a bad run of games which we need to bounce back from eh? :)
I don't think you can call this a bad run of games though SM. It's consistently poor performances over an extended period of time.
If the referee wasn't the FA's little project, he'd have been demoted to 2A long ago (and probably further too), but as The FA seem intent on giving this calamitous clown opportunity after opportunity, we'll just have to keep watching (and inevitably criticising) and hope the mistakes he makes doesn't cost anyone on a large scale!

PS - these views do not represent those of RefChat, they are merely my views!!!!
@DanCohen17 i think the FA are majorley to blame here - the thing is at a tender age of 25 he was thrust into the Premier League without gaining any real experiance at a lower level in 10 years he went from mini soccor to Select Group