Studs or moulds?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
RIght my boots are nearing the end of their life, so thinking I'll pick something up in the SUmmer. I'm just wondering what does everyone use. I have always had a pair of studs and astroturfs for those days when the ground is rock solid. But just wondering what is everyones thoughts on moulds? I've never had a pair.
A&H International
In my opinion, moulds will do you for the whole season! When the ground is really boggy, they aren't as good as studs, but will do the job with about 85% effectiveness. When the ground stiffens up, they are still good and behave like astros. For me, I'd personally pick up a pair of moulds over just astroturf or studded boots. Each to their own though!
Hmmm I seem to be hearing this more and more. I might grab a cheap pair of moulds and see how they do. I've done a couple of games on astroturf this season and seen players even wearing moulds on there.
I was like you Dave, and as I used to play regularly I had two pairs of boots. However, this season I got a new pair of moulds only, and they have been fine for the whole season.

I can remember a couple of occasions when I slipped on muddy pitches when I was changing direction quickly, but this was rare and to be honest isn't a reason to have two pairs of boots, so my advice if you're replacing some is to get moulds only and see how you get on.

There is also a difference between proper studded moulds and blades, which I won't go into. Just get the studded moulds, a la Copa Mondials, and you should be fine.